[the video begins with a bit of jostling as the figure in the background works to get his tablet steady. some might recognize him as the man in the background of
this previous post - while some might not recognize him at all. he hasn't introduced himself as formally as his teammate.
he clears his throat, opens his mouth to speak.] I think I've
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What is the probability of weapons training? [always straight to the point]
have a thoughtful hum.] Depends on the type of weapon - I can't exactly condone firing any weapon in such an oxygen-rich environment unless necessary safety precautions are taken. [which, of course they will be, if it comes to that.] Don't wanna risk blowing the place up, you know?
She just looks at North with a raised brow before procuring one of her blades. We're not quite sure where it came from and it's probably best not to ask...]
I am not one for explosions, personally...
he can appreciate that blade, though.] We could definitely stand to do a bit of work with small weapons like that, at the very least.
I am glad you are taking this into consideration. I've not seen an armory yet-- Have you? [She's been distracted by the booze and stalking about man.]
he shakes his head at the question, though.] I haven't seen anything, either - but then again, Carolina and I haven't completed a full sweep of the ship yet.
[and they probably aren't going to anytime soon. this ship is large, and there are quite a few blocked-off areas, and ..
but hey distracted by booze and stalking about? sounds legit.]
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