first shot → video;

Dec 25, 2011 21:25

[the video begins with a bit of jostling as the figure in the background works to get his tablet steady. some might recognize him as the man in the background of this previous post - while some might not recognize him at all. he hasn't introduced himself as formally as his teammate.

he clears his throat, opens his mouth to speak.] I think I've been here long enough that it's going to be considered rude if I don't introduce myself. [there's a small chuckle. going for humor, north?] I've never been much for formalities, but for the sake of ease, I'm Freelancer Agent North Dakota - one of the Tranquility's newly-appointed security officers. Just .. call me North.

[there's another pause, and he looks off to the side before bringing his gaze back to the camera.] It's come to my attention that most of you that have been brought here are civilians; and while no one has encountered anything that can pose as a threat just yet, it's been mentioned that should the need arise, we're going to need to know how to protect ourselves. If anyone aboard this ship is interested, Agent Carolina and I - as well as the other security officers - are opting to begin holding training sessions for those of you that want to learn a few things. It never hurts to be prepared, right?

All of the specifics haven't been worked out just yet, but as for a general outline, you'll be learning basic self-defense as well as some general combat tactics. Hand-to-hand, that sort of thing. [military training is a go, here, people.] If you're interested, feel free to get in touch with me any time and we can start trying to set things up.

c: belarus (natalia arlovskaya), c: statsraaden, c: re-l mayer, c: wheatley, agent north dakota

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