
Jul 17, 2010 21:44

Haven't done this in awhile!

Dear Taxi Driver,

Why yes, I do calculate your tip based on whether or not you know where the two major roads intersecting near my house are. I don't expect you to know my road: it's rather small and tucked away and God knows that this area has enough of those. But the two big roads are numbered state roads. This is your job.


Dear Humidity,

I know I rag on you a lot, but really, I love you. Mostly, I love my skin not cracking off.


Dear Tower Captains,

Which came first, the captaincy or the insanity? Why, we've got this visitor here! Why don't we make him learn Cambridge? And if he doesn't, we'll threaten him with plain bob!

Thank you for dragging my ass through Cambridge. Someday, I'll do 4ths place bell correctly. I promise.


P.S. I'm not really sure what it says about me that I'd rather terrify myself through Cambridge than ring plain bob, which I certainly CAN do.

Dear Seattle,

You know I love you. I love your delicious farmer's markets (cherries, NOM NOM) and your tasty restaurants and your new light rail and your beautiful scenery.

So I hate to break it to you: the East Coast and I are getting back together. We're just meant to be, with jaywalkers and real subways and a proper ocean.

I'll try to visit often.


Dear Science,

Why you gotta be like that?

No love,

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