I'm feeling better today. Actually, the migraine went away yesterday at about noon or so. It's a good thing, too... If it had lasted any longer at the same severity I was feeling first thing in the morning, I would have gone to the hospital. Stabbing pain didn't even being to describe how it felt.
Anyway, all better now. Yesterday in a slow moment at work, after I felt better, I plotted out all the "migraine tracking" tagged posts in a spreadsheet with all the influences I posted. It's pretty clear that the migraines are hormone-related. So, yeah. The next order of business is to find a new doctor and get this fixed.
The weatherman lied, and it's actually quite nice outside. I think when I get home I'll spend a little time puttering around in the garden. The rhubarb is already flowering (crap!) - I'd broken off some flower stalks last week, but I must have missed some. I'll get a few stalks before they get all woody and make... I dunno, muffins or something. I also need to unhat the tomatoes and weed the peas. Need to weed like burning.
I also need to get the rest of the garden planted, but it's soooo wet still. I'm crossing my fingers that tomorrow will be dry as well. That will be three days of sun and no rain, and I'll have to call it good enough (even though I'm sure it will still be too wet to plant). Corn, zuchinni, beans and sunflowers need to go in, like, last week. *hand-wring*
Oh, and,
plonq... Remember that bearded iris I planted a few years ago, but it never bloomed? It was called Starship Enterprise. Well, it's sending up a flower stalk! If it blooms before you can get home again, I'll be sure to take a picture of the starship in our front yard for you.
One more side note: you guys may notice me making far more daytime posts than I usually do. That's because they've relocated our department upstairs into a little cube farm area, and we have a lot more privacy now. We're *still* not allowed to surf around on teh Intarweb, but if we're discrete about it no one's really going to say much. Just be aware that I am actually pretty darn busy at work, so any entry you read that was written at work was probably the work of 4+ hours, even if it's just a few paragraphs. So please, pardon any disjointed jumbles I might post.