...from work.
SA is the coworker. Me is... well, me.
-----Original Message-----
From: SA
>You can remove CB from your list, she apparently quit 2 weeks ago.
-----Original Message-----
From: Me
> orly
-----Original Message-----
From: SA
> huh?
-----Original Message-----
From: Me
> O RLY??
>sorry, I'm a geek.
-----Original Message-----
From: SA
> ohh!!
> The space is tremendously helpful.
-----Original Message-----
From: Me
> and you're supposed to respond with
> and then I say
-----Original Message-----
From: SA
> and then I say
-----Original Message-----
From: Me
> Close.
>YAWAY !!1!
-----Original Message-----
From: SA
> I see...
-----Original Message-----
From: Me
> and then I say:
> "im in ur avaya, messin up ur scripts."
-----Original Message-----
From: SA
>and then I say,
> "I'm in BP marking a bunch of unapproved ATO's and vacations and putting your
> initials in the comments"
-----Original Message-----
From: Me
>well, it would actually be more like
> "im in ur bp, getting u fired" or something
> See, there are pictures to go along with all this, so you're really missing out. Especially
-----Original Message-----
From: SA
> If it's an INVISIBLE sandwich, then wouldn't I miss it even if there were a picture?
-----Original Message-----
From: Me
>No, you don't understand.
>I'm having my
support team find an invisible sandwich picture for
> me. (If he has time.) Then you'll see what I mean.
-----Original Message-----
From: SA
>Nobody knows what he does anyway. Of he has the time, he can just
> tell anyone that asks that he is, in fact, doing his job.
>Of course, finding a picture of something invisible may take more
> time than anyone has......
-----Original Message-----
From: Me
> Actually, he's insanely busy these days. He's on his third boss in as many
> months, and each time he got shuffled they added some responsibilities.
> And it shouldn't be too hard, there are invisible sandwich pictures all
> over the web now.
-----Original Message-----
From: SA
> Well, gee, why don't I just go Google "invisible sandwich" myself.
> I can't wait for the page to come up blank.....
-----Original Message-----
From: Me
>Oh ye of little faith.
-----Original Message-----
From: SA
> ok, ok, I admit it. That was great.
> Still, I was right about not being able to see the sandwich.