Oct 06, 2005 17:03
Yeaaa soooo uhhhhhhhhhh,
I read a quote on my starbucks cup today that caught my eye. I was amused and it really did make me smile."Embrace this right now life while it's dripping, while the flavors are excellently woesome. Take your bites with bravery and boldness sine the learning and the growing are here in these times, these exact right nows. Capture these times. Hold and kiss them because it will soon be very different." - Jill Scott.
How incredibly deep for a paper cup.
Maybe the things I once thought were so vital to me were actually the things I could easily live without. The defense and the explinations aren't needed anymore. The explination as to why things are the way they are isn't something I hunger for anymore. It's the right nows that I need to be concerned with and I'm afraid I've been missing some of those. I've lived in the past for a while now and its time to leave that, for good. I say that everytime but something just goes down to the bone on this one. Acceptence. Ha. Maybe Mrs. Baratian was right.
I shouldn't be living for explinations and reasons, thats not what its all about and at the risk of sounding incredibly cliche, none of that really matters anyway.
Life doesn't revolve around me. In all actuality I sometimes don't even feel like I fit in just perfectly. So no, I don't think everything is about me. If you actually knew me you would know that I'm completely oblivious to 99.9 % of things that concern me. I have no clue even when I'm blatantly involved. So when I read stuff like that its just weird. It makes me giggle. And I don't get defensive anymore. I don't yell and scream and call you names. I just giggle, because I know the truth. It doesn't hurt me anymore.
It was another misunderstanding and I guess I should start using Pronouns in my lj entries because people have a way of misconstruing them. But I don't think I will. I know who I'm talking about. Its not needed. This is for me, afterall.
Going on vacation tomarrow. Amazing.
Best friends 4 days away from here. Love it.
Date tonight with an unlikely boy. Second chances are sometimes strange. Will I tell him that I spent junior prom crying in the bathroom over him? Ha. More than likely. I'm an open book, baby. Should be a fun / unusual night. Slash extremely comfortable.
*sigh* I feel so much better after this little entry. Its weird, but I really really do. I feel alot better.
Tyler. I miss you. Call me. Please. Or I'll cry. I swear I will. And you hate that. <3
And yes, Alessandro...I would like to see you perform the infamous outlaw once again. You can never have to o much outlaw. Ha.
Oh and John this rain thing that you've arranged with God and or Mother nature...is really not that funny. It was the first 10 days...but now...its just sickening and so incredibly ironic. So if we could cut that out that'd be great.