Shipping 41 Jack with other people

Aug 15, 2007 13:02

In one of the comment threads on here, our lovely maintainer cs_whitewolf said something that got me thinking...

She (presuming as I don't know and would hate to get it wrong, apologies if I have) said that she's never really thought about shipping 41 Jack (used to distinguish the Matt Rippy Jack) with people other than Jack.

And I thought about that, because, well... I have, at least somewhat. If only because I wrote a story in which both Jacks are involved with Algy pre-The Doctor Dances and if I write a threesome I have to be able to see all three pairings as well, no going along with it for reasons other than everyone wanting each other even if it may only happen once.

And well, it's Jack - he seems to default to threesomes. Or maybe that's just me *g*.

Though of course it doesn't have to be a threesome. If we live in Egypt (denial) and 41 Jack doesn't die, but things play out as they do in canon otherwise, then 41 Jack would likely move on at some point. Now, while it wouldn't surprise me if he did end up married to Nancy and I could see that, there are infinite options.

And that could still have a Jack/Jack focus, because maybe it is meeting Jack that leads 41 Jack to be open to something more, or being open to being with a man even with all the problems that entails.

Not to mention the wonderful fanfic world of AU in which 41 Jack could come back through the rift with Jack and Tosh, and maybe find that Jack isn't the only man who he could make a life with (though I'd rather he stay with Jack, being a bit of a romantic it could work), in which case he could cross over with any fandom.

I've also seen mentions of him being picked up the TARDIS which would be wonderful (even more so if it was Nine because I love Nine. I love Ten too but I just think 41 Jack might respond more to Nine).

So while I have some ideas and thoughts, I'd love to see if anyone else has ideas and thoughts about 41 Jack with other people, with and without Jack. Oh and I definitely could see het as much as slash myself. Or mixed threesomes.

user: joanne_c, musings

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