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Jan 07, 2007 18:31

Soaring above the clouds
Tile:Soaring above the clouds
Author: truthvdreams
Summary: A counter point of Captain Jacks last flight and last dance
Disclaimer: I dont own Torchwood but they do let me gaze in awe and worship now and again...
Notes for spoilers:Ep12

Note from author: This is my first fic anywhere so i am a bit nervous! these boys are just so good together i couldnt resist! Let me know what you think but please be gentle! Bit more angsty than normal because i have already written this out once then i lost it on the last sentence!!!! Hope you like *hugs*

The vibrations from the engine thundered through  his entire body as he taxied across the grass to take up position for lift off, the old familiar thrill running through him  as his eyes ran over the instrument panel awaiting permission for lift off from the tower., last nights pain ruthlessly pushed down to allow him  to concentrate on the mission in hand. The radio crackles in his ear informing him he is cleared for take off and he begins to roll across the grass boosting power ready for take off, all unbidden a memory floats to the surface of his old flying instructor telling to treat his plane gently like he would treat his woman, even  now that had the power to bring a wry smile to his lips. At just the right moment he hauls  back on the stick, just a touch of rudder to keep her straight then he is away, climbing towards the endless blue of the sky.

He certainly is good-looking with his chiseled good looks and devilish smile and his heartbeat speeds up just a little as he introduces himself  "Captain James Harper"  the conversation is easy and welcome and if the glances last a little too long then that must  be just  his imagination.  The intensity with which he urges him  to go after Nancey is strange and just a little un-nerving and he cant understand the look of regret that sweeps across Captain Harper's face as he crosses to Nancey's side. Nor can he miss the spark that lights in his eyes when  he returns and entwines their fingers together. Pilot officer Rhys and his girl break the moment and he rushes away,  shame coursing through him as he realises what he had almost risked loosing just for a few stolen moments .

Leveling off at 2000 feet he let his eyes roam over the incredible landscape spread below him the purple peaks in the distance, the glint of sunlight off a lake as they thundered across the vault. Flying had always been everything to him, his escape from the harsh realities below, An escape from the facade he had had to create -Jack the charmer, Jack the ladies man- never being able to touch and be touched the way he longed for. The war had added a new level to his flying, now he had a purpose - a mission, to try to protect those people who would have condemned him had they known where his heart really lay, but they only saw the hero of the battle of Britain, the gallant fly-boy who showed no fear, they never saw the scared and lonely man who woke in the night in a cold sweat with tears in his eyes from the memories of the dying screams of so many young men lost forever, of the man who longed for the touch and taste and contact so despised by the world at large.

Sitting nursing his drink he couldnt take his eyes off  James sitting with the pretty little asian girl looking as broken as he felt. He was halfway across the floor before he even realized what he was going to do. He was afraid but determined, this was war after all and who knew what tomorrow would bring and he couldn't live with himself if he didn't  listen to his heart just this one time. A jolt ran up his arm as their  hands touched - then they were dancing, arms wrapped around one another, bodies molded together, hearts beating as one. No one moved as they continued to sway lost in each other.  "I may have to leave before the night is over"  these words came back to haunt them now as a bright white light spilled from a door way  drawing James towards it. For one moment Jack tightened his grip but then let his hands drop to his side, James had a duty  he couldnt deny and Jack knew better than most the the weight of duty bowing you down. He couldn't move as James headed out of his life forever, closing his eyes so he wouldn't have to see him leave when sudenly he felt a strong hand slip around him and full soft lips pressed against his own. Time seemed to stop as the kiss deepened, bodies pressing tightly together "so this is what heaven feels like" he thought as the moment seemed to stretch out forever. Then he was gone, vanished into the light leaving only the taste of his kiss upon his lips and an aching chasm where his heart should be.

His men had not spoken to him of the incident , there had been looks of confusion and disgust and not one of them had stood close enough to him to touch him, but he had not been reported either to the police or his superiors, instead they had tried to put it down to drunken confusion and stress. He didn't realize how grateful he was for that until he was aloft once more, feeling the thrill of slicing through the air in his hurricane te weight of command that was all he had left. He was determined to lead his men to the best of his ability, the least he could do in return for their silence. The shock as bullets tore through the air near his plane was considerable as this was meant to be a training mission, but the 109s didnt know or care as they tried to bring down his squadron. Throwing his stick hard over as a 109 came into his sights  he fired a long burst that saw flames licking along a wing, all his training an skill coming together in a dazzling display of flying that saw three enemy planes falling from the sky to crash against the green fields below. He had  done it! the others had turned tail and fled , the excited calls coming over the radio confirmed that al his men were safe and accounted for. He was still whooping for joy when the cannon tore through his cockpit, the cries of his men turning to shouts of horror as they saw flames blossom along the fuselage and lick hungrily back towards the cockpit, the final enemy plane streaking for home unnoticed.

He couldn't get the canopy open,his hands wouldnt obey him as he struggled with the clasp, pain racking his body. Dimly he realized that he wouldn't be landing upon the green fields of Wales anymore, that this had been his final flight.... he closed his eyes waiting for the blackness to take him but instead there was James, blue eyes twinkling and the devils smile upon his face, taking him  in his arms and starting to dance as the music played  softly in the back ground...

fanfic, fanfic: pg-13, user: truthvdreams

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