Fic for Glen Miller Challenge

May 01, 2009 04:50

Title: Moonlight Serenade

Pairing: Jack / Capt. Jack Harkness

Rating: R

Summary:  I wrote this for the Glen Miller challenge. I realize it's longer than the weekly challenge fics generally are ,so if i doesn't fit the criteria for the challenge it can just be fic about the two Jacks :)This takes place on the night that Jack and the real Captain Jack meet. I changed the month to June to fit the song. Somewhat AU as it assumes that Jack and the Captain got a chance to be alone together before Jack had to return to the 21st Century.
Warning: Given the subject matter, it's angsty. It is also schmoopy.

Song used is Moonlight Serenade with lyrics by Mitchell Parrish and music by Glen Miller.

Disclaimer: I own nothing related to either Torchwood or the song "Moonlight Serenade."

A/N-This is my first time writing for this community, so feedback would be especially appreciated.


I stand at your gate and the song that I sing is of moonlight, I stand and I wait for the touch of your hand in the June night,

The roses are sighing a Moonlight Serenade…


"Let's get out of here for a while, ok?" Jack asks the Captain.

The Captain looks at Jack and smiles. "Why are you in such a hurry all of a sudden?"

Jack thinks to himself that "all of a sudden" is an understatement. Jack always has a sense of urgency about him.

You never know when it all could end.

Well, in this case Jack does know.


For the real Captain Jack Harkness the end is tomorrow.

Suddenly Jack doesn't want to spend the time they have together in a dance hall filled with prying eyes.

He wants to spend some time alone with the Captain.

If they have one night he wants to really get to know the man whose name he took.

The man with the incredibly gentle eyes and warm mouth.

The one whose strong hands are caressing him and holding him tightly at the same time.

"We can go to my place," Captain Jack says.

"Let's go then," Jack is off in an instant. He grabs his coat and tells Toshiko he'll be back by morning. Toshiko is happily dancing; the earlier incident with the racist people forgotten (in large part due to Captain Jack's intervention) so she doesn't look fearful. She does, however wonder what will happen if the rift should open up during the night.

Jack knows this won't happen. He doesn't know exactly how he knows this, but he does.

He has a sense of déjà vu.

He's done this before, been here before.

He just doesn't remember it.

Jack tells Toshiko not to worry and grabs the Captain's hand before she can say another word.

The night is cool for June, and Jack unconsciously leans closer to the Captain to share his body warmth.

When they get to the Captain's house, Jack gasps

This is exactly how he pictured it.

The Captain smiles and looks at him questioningly.

Jack just shakes his head. "This all just seems so familiar," he says.

Captain Harkness takes Jack's hand the way he did earlier that night, making their fingers intertwine.

This time he brings Jack's hand to his lips and kisses it.

"I feel like you've been here before, too. It feels like you've come home or something," the Captain says this hesitantly, as though he's afraid Jack will laugh at him.

Jack wouldn't laugh, though. He feels the same way.

He's seen the rose bushes that line the house; he's smelt the fragrance from them as the breeze blows gently around them.

He's seen the Captain's face in the moonlight before.


The stars are aglow and tonight how their light sets me dreaming.

My love, do you know that your eyes are like stars brightly beaming?

I bring you and I sing you a Moonlight Serenade…

Jack knows he is staring, but he can't tear his gaze away from the Captain's eyes. In the moonlight he feels like he can see the stars and the universe in the Captain's eyes. It's like there's been a history, a whole of eternity between them that existed before this night.

"Would you like to go in, or stay out here for a while?" Harkness asks.
"It is a beautiful night. We could stay on the porch and have a drink or-" the rest of his sentence is forgotten as Jack takes that moment to kiss him on the lips, swallowing the taste of the Captain, feeling the warmth of his breath.

The warmth of his breath.

The warmth that won't be there by tomorrow night.

Jack aches with the pain that thought brings him, and he kisses the Captain again, pulling back on the kiss every so often to feel that warmth once again.

"Let's go inside," he whispers.

. ******
Let us stray till break of day in love's valley of dreams,

Just you and I, a summer sky, a heavenly breeze kissin' the trees…

They lie in bed together, the sheets tangled around them. They are sleek with the sweat from each other's body. The Captain's hands are wrapped around Jack's back, holding him close.

Jack is fighting the dueling emotions inside of him.

On the one hand he is ecstatic. He feels their deep connection and the ghost of a feeling that he's been in this place and time with the Captain before.

On the other hand he knows that it will all end by morning.

Jack wants nothing more than to stop this night, find some way to prevent the next day from coming. He knows, however, that it's impossible.

As impossible as it would be for him to prevent the Captain's death. How many times has he told the team that they couldn't change things that had already happened? It could cause irreparable damage to "the fabric of space and time."

At this moment, all Jack knows is he wants to hold onto the Captain and never let go.

He strokes the Captain's face, trying to memorize every feature.

Jack kisses his eyes, his eyelashes, his cheek, his mouth. Turning the Captain so he's on his back, Jack gently strokes down his body with his fingertips, then with his mouth and his tongue.

He's embarrassed when he feels the tears in his eyes fall onto the Captain's skin, and hears the gasp from Captain Jack telling him he felt them.

"What's wrong?" Captain Jack is instantly concerned and alarmed. He lets his thumbs caress the tears off Jack's face, reaching up to run his fingers through Jack's hair.

Bringing Jack's lips to meet his, the Captain once again asks what's wrong.

Jack lays his head on the Captain's chest and tries to get his breathing under control.

He feels the Captain's heartbeat and Jack lets out a strangled cry.

It's not fair, he thinks. Not fair that they should meet on this day.

They could have had ecstasy and closeness and love without the shadow of death hanging over them.

Jack remembers his earlier words to the Captain.

"Hold on. Live each night like it's your last."

So Jack just murmurs that he's being sentimental and not to worry.

"Let's just take this night and be happy for it," he says.

"I agree," the Captain says and pulls Jack's face to him and kisses him over and over.

The rest of the night passes this way.

They lose themselves in the scents, the tastes, and the feel of each other. Jack wishes he could move through the Captain, get lost in him.

The Captain wishes the same.

Jack leaves before the sunrise, gently kissing the Captain goodbye. He has a feeling that the rift is going to open and he needs to be with Toshiko when that happens.

The Captain holds Jack close and tells him he'll see him when he comes back.

Jack can't resist saying, "Please be careful."

Captain Harkness smiles and says it's just a training exercise.

"That's how they get you," Jack replies.

In that moment Jack doesn't care about the fabric of space and time.

He just wants a slight hope that the Captain will heed his warning and somehow survive.

Maybe Jack will come back  on another June night, and the Captain will be waiting on the porch for him.

Waiting with a drink, a smile and a song playing in the background.


So don't let me wait, come to me tenderly in the June night,

I stand at your gate and I sing you a song in the moonlight,

A love song, my darling, a Moonlight Serenade…

fanfic: r, weekly challenge #75: glenn millar

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