Torchwood - ficlet - Movable Type, Jack/Jack, Jack/Ianto, team

Apr 28, 2009 20:47

Continued, with her blessing, from fajrdrako's drabble, Defying Fate

Title - Movable Type
Author - laurab1
Rating - PG
Characters/pairings - Jack/Jack, Jack/Ianto, team
Length - 250 words
Summary - the aftermath of a selfish choice
Spoilers - 1.12 Captain Jack Harkness
Disclaimer - alas, none of these people are mine
Feedback is loved and appreciated :) Enjoy!

"With all due respect, what the bloody hell have you just done, sir?" Ianto asks, over the comms, when he, his namesake, and the girls are in the SUV. How the hell does he even know?

fanfic: pg, fanfic, user: laurab1

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