
Jan 17, 2009 22:21

Title: Pilgrim
Author: fajrdrako
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Jack/Jack
Challenge: tw100, challenge: america(n); also at_the_ritz Weekly Challenge #66: 'It's in the past now'.
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine, no claims, all property of the BBC.
Notes: Spoilers for Torchwood episode 1x12, "Captain Jack Harkness". Cross-posted to my lj, to at_the_ritz and to tw100.


Jack went to New York on business regarding UNIT, telling no one about the side trip he planned. That was his own business.

There wasn't a lot left to see in Albany, Texas. Jack wished he had a working vortex manipulator, to watch a boy growing to manhood in the nineteen-thirties. He wandered, breathing the atmosphere, until arriving at the gravestone he had come to see. In Protestant fashion, it was stark, simple: Jack Harkness, 1912-1941, and below that, For his country.

Jack knelt, eyes closed in remembrance.

Death was cold, but the warmth of love transcended everything.

fanfic, weekly challenge #66: its in the past no, user: fajrdrako, fanfic: g

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