216. Wild Indonesia ...

Aug 31, 2011 18:08

Today (for some Indonesians) is Holy Idul Fitri, the day that marks the end of Ramadhan. For some Indonesians, this is the day to be spent with relatives, much like Thanksgiving for Americans. For my family, though, it's just the four of us. All of my relatives in Jakarta, are from my Mom's side, and they are Catholics, so they don't celebrate Idul Fitri. The Muslims relatives from my Dad's side, are all in Sumatra, in a city called Pekanbaru, about 1.5 hour from Jakarta by plane. So we just call them :).

What did I do today? Other than reading, I spent my time being amazed with the beauty of my own country, by watching BBC Knowledge channel program, "Wild Indonesia". I learned so many animals exist here in Indonesia -- since Indonesia combines the fauna of Asia and Australia. Facts like ... "Out of 42 types of Birds of Paradise, 38 of them are in Indonesia". We even have whales!!! I didn't know that!!

These are some photos I gathered from Google Image, about few animals that appeared on the program:

Spectral Tarsier

Sugar Glider

Long-beaked Echidna


Komodo Dragon

One of the Birds of Paradise kind


Whale Shark

Sperm Whale

The MAJESTIC Sumatran Tiger

My country is gorgeous!!


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