Will answer two more questions. The other two will still take time. I'm not very good in details and I have read thousands of books ...
kataylaTop 5 books from your childhood
I have a hard time choosing this, because I didn't really read children books when I was young. I didn't like books like Mallory Towers or those "girly" books. I read mystery novels, like Agatha Christie or Famous Five, or simply stories from children's magazine. So, I ended up choosing series I love
1) Agatha Christie novels
2) Famous Five
3) Three Detective
4) Sherlock Holmes novels
That's all I can remember. Sorry, Katie.
anliTop 5 Covers you like
I surely read so many ebooks these days, especially male/male romance. But for this question, I want to limit my answers with certain criterias. One, it should be print only. Two, I should still have it on my collection, not giving it away for secondhand bookstore. So, here are what I can come out with ...
They are liked for various reasons. I like #1 because it's so pretty. I like #2 because it conveys a strong figure in a gorgeous sephia tone sky. I like #3 because it's the kind of photography I adore. I like #4 because it's in black and white and glossy (and pretty sexy), I like #5 because of its simplicity (and it's blue!!)
I actually finish reading two books today. Seriously, without ereader, I don't think it can be done. At all :)