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Jul 08, 2004 12:30

I haven't been up to much this week. I am dog-sitting for Margie and Steve while they are at another wedding (not their own, of course) in Colorado. I left Manassas at around 9:20 to get to Falls Church and found traffic on 66 and the Beltway at 9:45. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but really, people, let's get to work. I took Orson (their dog) out and then we hung around and he found some unauthorized things to chew on (tape and string).

Now I am in Reston, hanging out with another dog (Becket), but it's OK, I think he knew by sniffing that I had been with Orson. I stopped by Trader Joe's to get some lunch and bought a sesame chicken noodle bowl, but it was so nastily bland that I wrapped it up and didn't eat the rest. I had french bread pizza instead.

I was watching the Lehrer News Hour last night or the night before, and Bill Clinton was on (he's everywhere!! Don't you have enough money, Bill?! Do you really need to promote your 900-page book!?!) and say what you will about him, he's a smart, eloquent guy who had the following to say about as he called it, "the Cheney-Rumsfeld-Bush view":

"Here we are at the end of the Cold War. We are the only military superpower. We have no idea how long this is going to last, so we ought to get every bad guy we can and fix every problem we can, beginning with Saddam Hussein, not with Osama bin Laden, but with Saddam Hussein. And we ought to do it--if we have to do it on our own, because we're not an occupying power, we're not bad people. We've never tried to occupy anybody. Look at us in Iraq, we're turning it now over to the U.N. We want NATO now to come in, and that's what we ought to do, and because we need to fix every problem we can while we got the whip hand here.

My view is somewhat different. My view is there will be problems and bad people as long as the earth exists, and since we're moving into a completely interdependent global environment, we're better off building a world we'd like to live in when we're not the only military superpower. That is, we need to build a world of shared responsibility, shared benefits, and shared commitment to our common humanity.

Therefore, we should cooperate whenever we can, but reserve the right to act alone if that's what we have to do. And that's--it's a different emphasis and it leads us to different places, not just Iraq is in some ways not the best example. It's all these other things that I think have helped to alienate the world from us and that also trouble Senator Kerry."

Pretty interesting thoughts, and through the wonder of the Internet (invented by Al Gore) I was able to find the transcript in 3 clicks!
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