The days seems to be getting longer. Or maybe it is because i have been burning the candle at both ends so i get to see the sun come up and the sun go down everyday.
My thoughts a whirlwind of things. I worry about the kids, my school, my work ..which i have been thinking i may need to try and get more of because of money issues here, Sir, cvo, and all the other cream in the middle of things.
Apples were on sale at the supermarket four for a dollar. They looked good so i grabbed up some. I came home and made a pie i will dub A&P for the apples and peanutbutter that went in as well with the love of making it.
Strange thing about peanutbutter i found out yesterday in my lab class, for every gram there is allowed to be four rat hairs. So sick. some of the shit i learned about food yesterday was so sick. I almost thought i may never want to eat anything that didnt come from the ground the i grew myself and monitered growing all along. Then we talked about how our bodies adapt ..but still slowly i will convert to other methods of eating certain things.
I also made so very yummy oatmeal this morning with my tea. I like to have something other than the package mix of stuff so i made my own.
This has cherries and bananas in it with a little honey. It was very enjoyable. Much more tasty then the package crap.
I get home from working and school yesterday to step in a pool of freexing cold water in the kitchen in front of my dishwasher. Damn ass cold breaks everything ..i seriously need to move.
So i assess what is happening while cvo slightly freaks out because he feels like luck , time or just life is against him and progress.
I also have my friend who just watched my kids here as well as her kid who i just offered food to , and i know they are hungry because she told me they hadnt ate in a while. So whirlwind effect happens, cvo is going a little bananas about the water , kids are making noise , microwave is pinging letting me know the food i warmed up for -R- is done and i am trying to get the rack out of the dishwasher to just get the water out of the bottom.
I get the water out just as my boy screams he has to go pee. I rush him to the potty to come back to find cvo under the sink and the water back in the dishwasher. I suggest to pull the dishwasher out from the under the counter and see what may be leaking or broken. Nothing seems to be broken. More grumbling comes from the man. I get the water out and pour it in the sink and notice it is not draining. The first batch of water i dumped in the toliet so i was not aware this was happening.
Eurka...i say the drain pipe has to be frozen..get the hair dryer and the space heater. bada bing bada boom.. water all goes down..with no stress every happening to me thank god and i flowed smoothly and seamlessly through all the wirlwind in my house.
Then i was off to the store an hour away with -R- to get her pictures and brave the blasted cold.
Some days i feel like superwoman , other days i feel like invisable woman with nothing to hold on to. yesterday was a mixture of both women trying to stay afloat.