that's what happens when girls run off to italy. or maybe ive missed the mark? it was nice to see you on saturday...although it would have been better if i hadn't been so despondent..but another time for sure:)
is that not also a prejudgment; i write one line and now i am "stereotypically female...loud, assumptive,and...wrong"? i don't know you either, which is precicely why i could have meant no malice aimed at you. you also assume here that i think it a discredit to your character to meet someone else...which i don't. i was simply speaking in jest, making refernce to personl experience. since your name was in the tag i assumed he was talking about you...which is a fault on my own part. my motive was nothing more than to console a good friend who semed hurt and angry. no offence was intended toward any apologies. i hope that when we do meet it can be with open mindedness and without prejudgement....for i have heard only good about you and i shouldn't expect less. have a great day.
and you're being just as prejudgemental. so theres no need for any of that.
be civil. things are ok.
yeah i had good fun saturday and you didnt seem that despondent. but yeah it was good hanging out, its been awhile.
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