Happy bday dearest lahmacun~

Mar 16, 2008 19:01

i know im a crappy person... i dont post fics or such things related except for commenting fics... *i could only do that*. Anyways here i am posting a msg on my journal *i hope u guys dont mind... im not using this journal exp for reading detox and yoosu yongwonhi*.

Happy BDay dearest lahmacun... *i dont realli know ur real name* i love u soooooo much... she's one great person that i respect. a cheerful girl that always made my life as cheerful as hers. She's always there when i need her... *am i exagerrating here??? -- lol* Aneways, she always got this crazy ideas and implied that on her crack fics *her cracks always the best -- seriously one of the craziest funniest jokes ever!!!* haha... and for that i love her... wen im down and tired, she gave me strength to move on wif this hectic life of mine.... i just wanted to hug her for giving me such a wonderful frenship...

p/s: i know that no one would read this and im still writting this.... haha... well, thats one think i like abt livejournal... i dont write much... and in case my dearest fren lahmacun read this... i wish u a big happy bday.... may ur life filled wif lots of love and wonderful experience... and im glad to be ur dearest fren *a small peek on ur cheek* *huggles*

A/N: sorry for the grammar and short form... haha... english is so not my first language...

Wif lots of LOVE,

Asuka-chan.... *hearts* 
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