Hectic life indeed--- sigh!

Apr 18, 2008 07:47

ive got a major headache recently... thinking that ive got my major exams coming up in least than 2 weeks made my life miserable.... and the assignments piling up gave me a major depression... and such... i was dissappointed in myself for not being able to actually understand wat i shud understand. Gosh~ its true the lectures was not beneficial enuf since we dont understand a thing... *shane u made me feel this way-- u skipped too many classes* arghhh~ journal review for 1500 words.... ARE U KIDDING ME!!!! it seems so gosh i wonder why i took this course anyway~ oh well.... den an essay of 2000 words =S abt Business skills which include licences, royalty and such.... this would be horrible...

i guess might as well start studying now and less participation in detox, yoosu and hosu yongwonhi... i hope it will help~

asuka-chan!!! gambatte!!!

uni life, random

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