Mar 20, 2007 02:19
why is it that i get an assignment on a thursday and it is due the upcoming tuesday and i spend days anticipating it and sitting in front of a blank computer screen and then the night before its due im up at 2:30 attempting to start one of the 2 essays on hawthorne. its hard enough to read hawthorne on 3 cups of coffee at 11 a.m. at least i wrote my douglass essay earlier today. hmm. the middle of the semester really seems to be kicking my ass. i'm reading like 3 different books, studying for bio tests, studying for lab practicals, cutting open pig fetuses, trying to learn statistics, writing 3 papers, and doing a huge project due in a week. i'm probably forgetting something in there. i can't wait till this shit is done. im drowning!
i'm coming home in like 2 weeks, maybe less. i'm excited to see people but not to leave albany. i'm excited to be reunited with my puppy and my bfffrzzzz. however, some people have become shitty beyond understanding. my god, i mean how did i ever even consider this person my friend. what a disgusting individual doing such mean things. wow. words can't convey.
um, lori is making me go to 5 nights of bright eyes in concert...enough said.
wowowowow its really time to start that essay. hope everyone is doing well (besides said person, i hope shit sucks for you)