Oct 04, 2009 22:22
Running away is the essence of fear. Walking away is knowing that no good can come from the situation at hand and it is best to be left at the feet of each other. To be thought about and talked about at a later date. What don't you understand?
I live for many reasons, none of which I expect or hope that others would understand. My life is my own and I do with it as I please. Many a time, stepping away from situations. I'm not a runner anymore; my heart is too weak for that. I walk away from situations that I see problems or potential problems in. There is no harm in that. I believe that it gives the person I was having a conversation with a chance to think. This also allows me to clear my mind and think about the subject at hand. I sit and ask myself questions like, 'Do I really feel that way?', 'Could I have worded that differently?', 'Is there a way to suggest a different point of view?'
This allotted time is the break or make differential in the equation. Either you or the person you were having the discussion with can walk away, rear up in defense/offense position, or become open minded and hear the other person out. Those are the three typical options that I believe any person has at this point. Although, this is just my personal opinion.
Perhaps a rephrasing is in order in many a case.
On the matter of Love. On the science scale it is nothing more than chemical peptides coursing through your brain to make you think that you are in love, or in a state there of. Humans and animals adapted these traits through natural selection and the need to mate to survive. That is what I believe. Science.
On a note of hypocrisy:
I do believe that it is possible to be 'in love' with someone. As one often refers to this as being a soul mate, match in heaven, etc. Although, I don't believe that I would find this person at my age, my physical and mental condition, or my current financial/living situation. I think that it is highly unlikely and the probability of me meeting this person right now is less than 3%. And I believe that.
So no. I don't believe in love for me; not now, or for a rather long time. High school crushes are genuine and are exactly what they lead on to be; Crushes.
On the matter of Sex. I'd like to be quoted on the part where people think that I don't think Sex is good. Sex is great; but there is a time and a place for everything. There is even a partner for everything. I do not believe that experience makes you wiser; if that were the case I would believe that I would know almost everything there is to know in the world. Alas, I do not. Thus proving my theory. Although, I do believe that I know a great deal about life from watching and learning from others around me. Not as if to say I know more than the person reading this. I don't believe any one person could know more about reality and the world than the next. I simply believe that we know different things, and that we have different belief systems. As we can clearly identify with. I do believe that desiring sex or sexual things daily or constantly isn't healthy for the body or the mind. Nor is good for any relationship. Sex has a place in relationships and has to be balanced accordingly. Take word, I am not condoning any one person nor am I laying a set blame on some one. No wrong has been done.
On the matter of Masturbation. There are things that are meant to be kept on a personal level. I believe, notice the word 'believe' is coming up a lot, that masturbation is one of those things. By no standard is it something to hide, or be shunned for. My personal preference is to not mention it, or bring it up into a conversation. Unless some one asks me a question relating to it.
On a note of hypocrisy:
I have mentioned it a few times in conversations and have carelessly let conversations go way too far. I, like any other person, have desires.
Desires which I believe, can be calmed with a certain mind set. Quantum Physics and the Law of attraction. The more you think about a particular subject, the more thoughts and actions you attract to that subject. It then becomes a habitual subject to talk about or partake in. I believe the same of sex and masturbation.
On the matter of Living. I believe that everyone has a purpose that can be altered to an extent and can change people's lives. I believe that I can change someone's life. I have goals and restraints, I plan things to a T at most times. I have my entire life planned out for me down to the company I'm going to work for, and style of the house I'm going to build and live in. I believe that everyday I put forth a little more effort to get there. I would like to believe that I am living to the best of my ability at the time. I am not quite aware of my surroundings; this proves harmful to my tactics and I do not believe that living this way would hold positive for much longer. I do believe though, that the changes I am making in my life will affect someone in a positive way. I'd like to think that I can make a small impact on the world. I'd be happy with a dent.
I try to be as logical as reality allows me. Although, I am prone to skepticism, hypochondria, and severe anxiety and depression. None of which seem rather logical to me. I cope with my experiences and my inability to function properly in a classroom setting by writing mental notes and thinking of statistics about the people that surround me. I am classified as nothing more than an inept kid - trying to be a grown up. I have faults, I recognize them, and I do not dismiss them. I'd rather not mention certain things about me, because they lead to certain things about other people. My thoughts conflict with your thoughts. My actions are opposite to your actions and my beliefs will always be severely different from your beliefs.
I did not think that this would be a problem. I must have misunderstood one of my mental notes.