I'm still alive.

Feb 23, 2010 00:09


I'm not totally gone.

I think that this journal will end up being the place where I post webcomic updates; I'm working on two now -- "Ivan: In Sanity", a parallel of my life, as potentially lived by a schizophrenic gay guy. It starts off with my stalker, and drives on from there. Great fun! I'm calling it my "NAQ Sessions"; basically, I sit down, and interview myself (via fictional talking teddy bear). It's like therapy. Only.. better, because I know what questions to ask. These things practically write themselves. The other comic is called "Dangerously Low" -- title lifted from an old short story collection of mine, now defunct. This one's trickier. It's a lot darker in content (though, the more I look over the material, the more settled I am with the issue). The real problem is that the comic demands artwork greater than my own. Potentially, I may have to find a partner for this. That won't come in to play until I actually have a working version of the script. Being on the first draft, I'm mostly unsatisfied thus far.

"DL" is panning out to be a rather odd little tale. I imagine that after a lot of revamping, I'll end up happy with the dialogue. The plot revolves around a girl, and her deal with the devil. Woe abound. I feel like I'm still only scratching the surface of the real meat of the tale. (I mean, I know the whole general idea. It's the stuff in between that's sinking me.)

"Ivan" is pre-plotted to 280 pages, or something. I have 19 drawn; will start posting them online (methinks on Comic Dish) after I reach the 30th one. I'll load up 15, and hopefully start pumping out enough from there to put up a few a month. (They take maybe an hour to draw out. My issue is sitting down with JUST enough caffeine in my system to plow through.. and not suffer from shaky hands.) I like Ivan (the Terrible), the character. He' s a silly sumbootch. His teddy bear, Ivan Jr. (the Equally Awesome), is kind of a strange-ranger. Harkening back to roots as a voice in Ivan's head, Jr. tends to ask what needs to be asked. Part therapist, part friend, part foe. Arcs are approx. 100 pages each. Keeps things fresh for me.

Look forward to it? I know I sure am.


- May hear back from a story contest in March
- Have completed about 1/6th of a blanket for my sister. She's 6-7 months pregnant.
- Need to back away from the tea
- Need to find more English TV shows to watch. Opting for drama, or comedy.


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