Lambert relies too heavily on prompts this week...

Nov 23, 2009 13:20

The doctor's order is to dabble in arts and crafts, and attempt to seek funding that way.

And -- I need a journal entry here. I've just been posting random responses to Writer's Block suggestions. These are so not the kind of prompts that get Deliberate or my half-dozen unfinished short stories fired up. I have Writer's Shit-I-Feel-Lazy block. I could write. I seem to be writing functionally enough. But.. When I sit down at thar yonder typewriter.. all that comes out is a paragraph of fluff. Maybe that is.. maybe.. maybe it IS writer's block. Hot diggity damn.

I guess I shall tell you of my spiffy record player. It is a hot piece of machinery. 80s, if I'm not mistaken. It took my warped Headpins album, and played it with not a single skip. All of my vinyl is goofy because they were in a box, and rested upon the flaps. I needed to pad that better. But, but, but -- the player takes it like a fucking god. It is my god of giant black discs. I can now plan out my next couple of via-Jay online purchases. Platinum Blonde's best album? Sold. It's got a CD player, and a double-set tape deck, this machine. Didn't test the other two (tapes/CD); I was too busy realizing that the needle actually worked. Real clean quality; decent speakers. $19, I shit you not. The radio function seems complicated.

I imagine some of my half-ass followers are wondering, "Lambert, where are the fucking pictures? You left us with the beginnings of the torso phase -- where's the good shit? We wanna see those spiffy watercolors you have up on your wall." Well, chums, it's like this: I don't have a scanner. All I have here is my glitchy tablet. It's the 3rd glitchy Wacom of this model. Whyyy do I keep getting them? Because people keep giving me these: I like the scrollbar, and the lack of intrusive buttons. I need to buck up and spend the $300 or so that it will take to get me back in business.. or, get a bloody scanner. Scanner for the win--!?

I promise to pledge all of my shitty doodles here, for all to inspect.

Flesh news: still on hiatus. Yeah, I know. Good news is, I had a little break in the plot. Anyone want to start sending me random sets of 3 words that could prompt this forward?

Sideways Sara news (in case anyone cared about it) : also on hiatus. I'm really focusing on Deliberate.

Deliberate news: 38 pages, all told, since March. I am so not prolific anymore.


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