do you have the time to listen to me whine?

Nov 01, 2013 20:18

...Because I am, in fact, one of those melodramatic fools, and there is no doubting that I’m neurotic to the bone.  ^-^

Now that I’ve lead with my best foot forward - yes, quoting Green Day is my best foot forward - welcome to my “blog”, Pretentious Self-Indulgence.  (This is not to be confused with Mindless Self-Indulgence, who are not really my thing, musically speaking, but they do bring back memories of the salad days - riding shotgun in a white ‘86 Camaro down 26th Street and swooning at the sound of the Wu-Tang Clan cover in a vaguely Southern accent...)

This blog is not new - in fact, it’s anything but.  I actually “founded” it in February of 2005, making it nearly nine years old.  (Wow, that makes me feel downright decrepit.)  I wasn’t terribly keen on the idea of getting a LiveJournal account.  But, my best friend Sarajane, better known as Sega Barrett ‘round these parts - had one.  (She’s still my best friend, and still an active user - you can find her at sydpenguinbunny).  More importantly, the aforementioned owner of a Camaro and a charming accent had one as well.  I wanted to get in on the fun, even though I felt strongly that blogs were little more than an outlet for the self-absorbed to listen to themselves talk.

So, that’s where the title came from - Self-Indulgent Nonsense, now renamed Pretentious Self-Indulgence.  Let us take a moment to look back on what I had to say about this dubious concept the first time around:

Peer pressure made me do it.
01 February 2005 @ 09:38 am

...Well, not really.  Nobody MADE me sign up for this.  I just wanted something new and semi-constructive to waste my time on.  It’s been a long time since I’ve been part of an Internet-community-thingie.  Should be interesting - or not.

To be honest, I think blogging is self-indulgent and egocentric.  Of course, I have a whole website devoted to myself, so I’m not one to talk, but if there’s one thing I know, it’s that people don't care about other people.  And they sure as hell don’t care about me.  ~.^

That’s why I intend to fill this little fledgling bloggie with random insanity, occasionally disrupted by worthwhile discussion.  But just occasionally.

I am procrastinating.  Don’t want to finish my blasted Advanced Compy paper.

But like I have a choice.  U_U

Random thought:
If you lick it, they will come.

You may be wondering - probably not, but, y’know, stranger things - “Why did you delete all your old entries and start from scratch?”

First off - the last time I wrote in my LiveJournal was in April of 2009.  Again, that’s roughly 4 1/2 years ago, and a lot has happened since then.  We’re always growing and changing and occasionally regressing (heh), and the content that I posted in the mid-to-late noughties is simply not relevant, for the most part, to who or what I am today.  Jumping back into the fray after such a gap would be like the blog had been hacked, and somebody else is now writing the entries.

Another reason is, some of the things - errrr, a LOT of the things - that I wrote about are quite depressing.  Or rather, I was going through some difficult times, and while I often tried to keep a chipper façade, the ghosts between the lines are plain to see.  It’s not pleasant for me to read, and I can’t imagine it would be, as a whole, enjoyable for anybody else as well.  As I was preparing this blog for its reboot, I found myself re-reading old entries and comments - suffice to say, it was pretty damn gut-wrenching.

Now, that doesn’t mean there aren't bits and pieces that are salvageable.  I do intend to utilize some of the pleasant nostalgia from time to time, such as the excerpt above.

So, what do I plan to do with Pretentious Self-Indulgence, besides the occasional sharing of entries past?  Well, I’ve been involved on and off in various fan communities, and LiveJournal is an excellent place to share my contributions to fandom with like-minded individuals.  (I’ll talk more about that in my next post.)  I can play “games,” such as filling out surveys and the much-beloved ‘Name That Tune.’  I can have long and detailed discussions with myself about things that nobody is particularly interested in.  (You’re reading one right now.  6_6)  And whatever else springs to mind on a whim.  (Because if I’m not acting spontaneously and without forethought, I am clearly not in my right - wrong? - mind.)

Lastly - I’ve been planning this reboot for quite some time.  Long enough, in fact, that I’ve already written several entries!  So, every day this coming week, you can expect a detailed ramble - the contents of which will no doubt vary between quite uninteresting and extremely uninteresting.  ~.^  After that, I’ll be back to the more traditional pattern of “writing when I feel like it.”  But hey - it’s pretty cool to start this reboot with a bang, wouldn’t you say?  ^-^

Next time - in the land of Internet Anonymity, why do I value “being myself” as much and as often as I can?  And how does that relate to the reboot of Pretentious Self-Indulgence?  It’ll be exactly as exciting as you think it sounds!  x_x

redux: livejournal, lj reboot, exposition

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