Chen/Sehun Fic Recommendations!

Feb 23, 2015 08:10

i needed to collect these all in one place, and share the chenhun~
i'll try to regularly update this

sorted by rating - G | PG | R | NC-17


Title: love your life;;
Author: dumbhun
Genre: mama!au, fluff
Rating: g
Warnings: -
Length: 504w
Summary: Sehun is the wind.

Title: Just You (and me)
Author: vaniteas
Genre: domestic!au, romance, fluff
Rating: g
Warnings: -
Length: 1k
Summary: They are both lying on the couch, sides pressed against each other and leftover dinner laid out on the coffee table. Typical Sunday night.

Title: What you’ve got boy, is hard to find
Author: vaniteas
Genre: college!au, high school!au (kinda? idk jongdae is in college and sehun is a hs senior), fluff
Rating: g
Warnings: -
Length: 699w
Summary: It’s how they have always been, even if Jongdae has to reach higher to kiss Sehun nowadays.

Title: untitled drabbles - 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Author: wild-jinx
Genre: fluff, humour
Rating: g
Warnings: -
Length: 300-550w
Summary: 1 - Jongdae is a charismatic singer of the school's choir and perfect student. All Sehun wants is to sempai to notice him.
2 - Jongdae loved Sehun's rainbow hair. Sehun only liked it because it meant that Jongdae would play with his hair all the time.
3 - Sehun has a secret stash of Jongdae photo books. One day, Junmyeon finds out and is appropriately confused about why Sehun has them.
4 - Luhan plays matchmaker.

Title: The DILF Conundrum
Author: 181cms
Genre: high school!au, humour, slight sekai/suchen
Rating: pg-13
Warnings: -
Length: 2.7k
Summary: Sehun has a crush on Jongin's dad. Jongin does not approve. (slight sekai/suchen)

Title: skin shared and touches held
Author: baeklights
Genre: domestic!au, fluff
Rating: pg-13
Warnings: -
Length: 522k
Summary: Jongdae likes to think about Sehun’s scars.

Title: we break with speed
Author: baeklights
Genre: college!au, humour
Rating: pg-13
Warnings: sehun is a dick and in denial
Length: 7.1k
Summary: I take the floor, he takes his shots.

Title: Law Tutor Wanted, I Guess?
Author: cassiestarlight
Genre: college!au, humour, fluff
Rating: pg-13
Warnings: -
Length: 4.3k
Summary: Jongdae is hired to be Sehuns tutor, but will Sehun actually do any work?

Title: Next Time For Sure
Author: chenhuns
Genre: swim team!au, fluff
Rating: pg-13
Warnings: -
Length: 613w
Summary: Sehun gets ready for training with Jongdae's help.

Title: Hot Mess
Author: dui-zhang
Genre: humour, fluff
Rating: pg-13
Warnings: alcohol, drunk jongdae
Length: 2k
Summary: Sehun regrets not going with his initial plan of faking sick and staying back at the hotel, with Zitao and Jongin.

Sehun isn't drunk enough for this.

Title: (allow me) to be your fayth
Author: hailynx
Genre: Final Fantasy X!au, romance, adventure, angst
Rating: pg-13
Warnings: major spoilers for game, major and minor character deaths
Length: 39.5k
Summary: Some things are just that much larger than life.

Title: untitled
Author: hailynx
Genre: fluff
Rating: pg-13
Warnings: -
Length: 1.8k
Summary: “Would you like me to give you one?” Sehun questions softly as he wipes off the last bit of black ink, marring beautifully smooth skin. “A constellation.”

Title: under arrest (for stealing my heart)
Author: junxings
Genre: humour, fluff, romance
Rating: pg-13
Warnings: -
Length: 1.5k
Summary: The five times Jongdae put Sehun in handcuffs (and no, not that way) and the one time he didn’t.

Title: don't think (just do)
Author: jongdaisies
Genre: fluff
Rating: pg-13
Warnings: -
Length: 1.4k
Summary: For once, Sehun wishes he could stop thinking and just kiss him.

Title: Physical Changes (They Don't Matter As Much)
Author: jonquil
Genre: high school!au, angst, romance
Rating: pg-15
Warnings: homophobia, violence, bullying, implied underage drinking + sex
Length: chaptered (completed; 12), 18.6k
Summary: Jongdae and Sehun are best friends who enjoy mocking the popular kids at their high school. But when Sehun comes back after spending an entire summer away from home, Jongdae realizes that his best friend has turned into one of them.

Title: Let’s Fly Again
Author: Mrs_Nogood (mydaedream)
Genre: fluff, humour
Rating: pg-13 [atm]
Warnings: -
Length: chaptered (ongoing)
Summary: Ask yourself, if someone told you that a simple flight from Changsha back to Seoul, could change your life forever - would you believe it? Is it possible that a mere stranger sitting beside you would remain in your memory forever, even if you lose every sight of him after you leave the airport?

Author: mydaedream
Genre: single dad!au (heLP), fluff, romance
Rating: pg-13
Warnings: kindergarten teacher kim jongdae (HELP)
Length: 7.7k
Summary: It's not always easy to be a Single Dad....

Title: Plead
Author: osehun (exollent)
Genre: college!au, fluff
Rating: pg-13
Warnings: -
Length: 1k
Summary: Jongdae is an overworked and underpaid ultrasound technician working to get his license and Sehun is his strange boyfriend with an Agricultural Sciences major who's really into composting.

Title: (freezing and melting) like snow
Author: shanwens
Genre: christmas!, fluff, slight angst
Rating: pg-13
Warnings: -
Length: 1.6k
Summary: Every year it snows on Christmas Day, and every year Jongdae likes Sehun.

Title: let me sew you a few things
Author: shanwens
Genre: tailor!au
Rating: pg-13
Warnings: -
Length: 1.2k
Summary: In which Jongdae is very good with his hands.
i would kill for a continuation of this

Title: mischief managed
Author: shanwens
Genre: harry potter drarry!au, slight angst
Rating: pg-13
Warnings: -
Length: 3.6k
Summary: Selected+fictional scenes from Harry Potter with Chen as Harry and Sehun as Malfoy.

Title: underneath the neon lights of a corner store, two boys
Author: shanwens
Genre: fluff
Rating: pg-13
Warnings: -
Length: 475w
Summary: 2 am. A few cars still rush down the street outside now and then, but Jongdae isn’t expecting much.

Title: code red (evacuate)
Author: sticky
Genre: high school!au
Rating: pg-13
Warnings: -
Length: 3.1k
Summary: Jongdae tries to be the helpful wingman between his best friend and "that hot one" but things don't go exactly as he planned. pick up lines might help??? maybe??? (side!kaitao)

Title: Crush Central
Author: teatimetaemint
Genre: college!au, humour
Rating: pg-13
Warnings: -
Length: 9.8k
Summary: When Sehun becomes fast friends with outgoing and cheerful Kim Jongin, he really doesn’t expect to earn himself a gigantic, life-complicating crush on the boy's older brother as well.

Title: I may be bad (but I am perfectly good at it)
Author: vaniteas
Genre: college!au, humour
Rating: pg-13
Warnings: -
Length: 1k
Summary: "That tie looks really good on you," he says, casually slipping onto Jongdae’s lap and Jongdae’s entire thought process comes to a screeching halt.

Title: Jjang Dating
Author: woohyunized
Genre: humour, fluff, romance
Rating: pg-13
Warnings: -
Length: 3.5k
Summary: Jongdae wants to help people with their dating problems but Sehun just wants to date Jongdae.


Title: untitled
Author: aprilclash
Genre: thieves!au, romance
Rating: R
Warnings: frottage on a kitchen table
Length: 2.5k
Summary: Thieves!au where Jongdae is jealous of his own brother. (past!chinguline, past!chenxing, past!sekai)

Title: Saturday Nights
Author: januarys_lovers
Genre: make-up artist/model!au, romance
Rating: R
Warnings: -
Length: 9k
Summary: There are hundreds of reasons why Saturday nights are Jongdae's favorite moments, and each one of them involves Sehun, in one way or another.

Title: curious
Author: mixians (jesstoast)
Genre: model!au, angst
Rating: R
Warnings: eating disorder, self-esteem issues, (somewhat bizarre) gore, graphic violence, major character death
Length: 6.5k
Summary: In the world of fashion, everyone's fighting to keep up with the times.


Title: I Want, I Don't Want (But If You Want...)
Author: aprilclash
Genre: a/b/o, college!au, smut
Rating: nc-17
Warnings: language, knotting, self-lubrication, wolf!au;a/b/o dynamics, barebacking
Length: 5.6k
Summary: Jongdae wants to be fucked but he's in denial and Sehun doesn't even know what he's doing, but at least he's doing it well. A/B/O omegaverse.

Title: I saw the eyes where Love resides
Author: aprilclash
Genre: a/b/o, smut
Rating: nc-17
Warnings: knotting, slight orgasm denial, self-lubrication, wolf!au;a/b/o dynamics, barebacking
Length: 1.1k
Summary: Sehun has had enough of Jongdae's shyness in bed.
note: sequel to I Want, I Don't Want (But If You Want...), can be read as a standalone.

Title: it won't be a flirt, it can't be just a spring
Author: aprilclash
Genre: college!au, smut
Rating: nc-17
Warnings: language, sex, orgasm denial
Length: 25k
Summary: Sehun's one-night stand has lasted months and it's time for him to update his friends on his new status of taken man. Too bad they won't believe that perfect, unattainable Chemistry teacher assistant Kim Jongdae would go out with sulky, boring medical student Oh Sehun.

Title: Can I Make It Any More Obvious?
Author: g_odalisque
Genre: girl!au, high school!au (+ timeskip), romance, fluff, humor, angst, smut
Rating: nc-17
Warnings: -
Length: 12.6k
Summary: She was a girl, and she was...also a girl. Nonetheless, it was pretty damn obvious. Lu Han wants to know what happens when a skater girl asks out a cheerleader. Fortunately, both she and Jongdae will find out. (sk8er boi AU) (+lukai)

Title: appetite for destruction
Author: januarys_lovers
Genre/AU: rockband!au, angst, romance, smut
Rating: nc-17
Warnings: Slight mention of drug use, alcohol, language
Length: 23k
Summary: Jongdae has his face in every girl's room - albums, posters, magazines- and he's used to being out of reach. At least, that's what he likes to tell himself, because it turns out that, somewhere along the way, Sehun already caught him.
note: chanbaek sequel (w/ side!sechen) here

Title: Sneak
Author: julyfix
Genre: non!au, smut-ish
Rating: nc-17
Warnings: Voyerism
Length: 677w
Summary: Jongdae is picked to round up the maknae so everyone can have a nice, peaceful family dinner.

Title: I Want To Sit You Where My Face At
Author: latinaeinstein
Genre: smut
Rating: nc-17
Warnings: pwp, facesitting
Length: 2.4k
Summary: In which Sehun asks, Jongdae indulges.
note: currently locked bc author is editing

Title: Lucky
Author: masterakira
Genre: rockstar!au, smut
Rating: nc-17
Warnings: sex with a stranger, pwp
Length: 1.3k
Summary: Sehun scores a backstage invite at Chen's concert.

Title: Would You Like Thighs With That?
Author: masterakira
Genre: smut
Rating: nc-17
Warnings: pwp, oral sex, intercrural (thigh) sex, swearing
Length: 4k
Summary: Jongdae’s new photos force Sehun to realize what he really wants-to be between those delicious thighs.

Title: Gutter Rats
Author: modelpress
Genre: romance, angst, a little humour and fluff, smut
Rating: nc-17
Warnings: barebacking, character death
Length: 23.1k
Summary: Jongdae's a star that Sehun's always reached for.

Title: The Stranger On My Couch
Author: mydaedream
Genre: humour, romance, smut
Rating: nc-17
Warnings: -
Length: 13.6k
Summary: Drunk!Sehun accidentally breaking into someone's house just to pass out on the couch wondering when the hell his best friend's had adopted two cats.

Title: you're mistaken (if you're thinking that i haven't been called 'cold' before)
Author: pi-xilated
Genre: girl!au, romance, smut
Rating: nc-17
Warnings: -
Length: 6.7k
Summary: Even after years they would probably still hate each other, more or less, because didn’t you know that a little hatred makes it all the more exciting? (Sehee is fuming, Jungda is mean and all their friends just have to suffer.)

Title: Heartbeats; Hearts' Heat; Seconds
Author: wordsmithfrey
Genre: a/b/o, smut
Rating: nc-17
Warnings: knotting, rimming, self-lubrication, wolf!au;a/b/o dynamics, barebacking
Length: 2.7k
Summary: Sehun drags things out, Jongdae doesn't like waiting; Baekhyun thinks it's hilarious.

enjoy bbs~

pairing: chen/sehun, masterlist
