
Dec 12, 2012 19:54

Title: Sneak
Pairing: None (implied Chen/Sehun)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Voyeurism
Summary: Jongdae is picked to round up the maknae so everyone can have a nice, peaceful family dinner.
Notes: hi still have writer's block, i'm just posting up drabbles i've written that i thought i'd share~

M never makes it a habit to barge into K’s dorm, mostly because K usually solves that issue by barging into M’s dorm first. Tonight everyone is over at M’s dorm getting ready to eat a joint concoction via Kyungsoo and Yixing, until finally someone noticed Sehun was missing. That someone(s) being Jongin and Luhan, who very loudly voiced their disapproval of the maknae not being around. So why was Jongdae picked to trudge over to K’s dorm and get the maknae? He was sitting on the couch enjoying beating Chanyeol at video games but hey, even innocent men get targeted.

“Sehuna,” Jongdae stumbles as soon as he enters K’s dorm, because everyone’s shoes are just piled in the entry way. He dodges most of them and wanders into the dorm, glancing around. Sehun must be in the shower or something…

Wandering to where he knows Sehun’s room is, after he passed the empty bathroom, he raises a hand to knock. The door is ajar so he just sort of pops his head in, because really, what’s the worst that could happen?


Oh. A hormonal teenage boy is the worst that could happen.

Jongdae quickly ducks his head out, cheeks flushed at the accidental discovery of Sehun laying face first on his bed, ass in the air and knees spread as he jerked his cock. Quite a precarious position to masturbate in, and Jongdae knows he should leave and wait for Sehun to finish, but he just- the curiosity-

He peeks through the door again, and Sehun isn’t even totally undressed. His sweats are at his knees, his tshirt is pushed up to his armpits and if Jongdae didn’t know the maknae was completely alone, he’d be sure that someone is in there ravishing Sehun, too impatient to get him undressed before they fuck him. But Sehun is alone, and that itself puts images in the vocalists’ head; Sehun’s positioning, the way he’s panting as he jerks his cock… it’s way too submissive to just come naturally.

So Sehun isn’t quite as innocent as they all thought.

Jongdae presses the heel of his palm against his crotch where his dick gives a warning throb. His eyes are glued to the way Sehun’s ass pushes back against a cock that isn’t there, and what little light is in the room catches on something wet glistening in the crack.

Before Jongdae’s brain can register what the wet substance is, Sehun reaches his free hand behind himself, his chest colliding with the mattress and a soft noise leaving his lips as he slides two fingers into himself immediately. Clearly someone is taking advantage of the dorm being empty. Jongdae starts rubbing his growing erection through his pants, devouring the sight of Sehun fucking himself and stroking himself off; it doesn’t take long before Sehun loses it and tenses, his noises muffled in the blankets of his bed as he spills, and Jongdae can’t see much except the bow of the maknae’s back with the orgasm.

Pulling away, the weight of the situation settles heavy on Jongdae’s shoulders and he has the decency to blush, stepping away from the door and going out into the living room. Cooling himself down a bit, he makes his way towards the door, startled when a sleepy voice calls after him.

“Hyung?” Sehun is dressed and looking sleep-mussed, even though Jongdae knows what really wrecked him raw.

“Uh, hey! Everyone’s wondering where you are, dinner’s almost ready,” Jongdae says, his default smile plastering rather fakely on his face.

Sehun doesn’t say anything, nodding and pulling on a hoodie as he comes out of the room and passes by Jongdae. He smells subtly like sex and more like a hurried cologne-spritz, and Jongdae clears his throat as they start to leave the dorm.

“Next time can I watch you take it up the butt?” Sehun asks, not even meeting Jongdae’s gaze even though the smallest smirk is playing on his lips.

Jongdae cries when he’s forced to sit next to Sehun at the dinner table.

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pairing: chen/sehun, group: exo

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