Dec 27, 2017 10:04
This is just an announcement to give my LJ peeps a heads-up. I've pretty much decided that, come the beginning of 2018, I'm going to switch to posting on Dreamwidth and crossposting to LJ, rather than the other way around. There are various reasons to do this, probably, but the main one is technical. If I post to DW, I can crosspost to LJ, and the posts will show up on people's friends lists. If I post to LJ and use the import function to transfer my posts to DW, as I have been doing, it doesn't show up on DW people's reading lists. Which, along with the fact that I keep not thinking to check my own DW reading list, has resulted in me effectively losing touch with the DW-only people. Which is kind of sad, especially as there are few enough of us left either place. (*shakes fist at Tumblr*)
I do have a bit more to say about this, so I'll make a longer post once I've actually made the move -- which, if all goes well and I can actually figure out how to crosspost, should be visible on both LJ and DW.
Hopefully for the people on LJ things shouldn't actually look much different, but I figured I ought to warn you, anyway.