Year-End Fandom Meme

Dec 31, 2014 00:29

At some point, I will do a year-end fic roundup meme thingy, but I want to wait until after Yuletide reveals, so I can include everything. In the meantime, here is a year-end fandom meme, which I have nabbed from selenak.

Your main fandom of the year? Gotta be Once Upon a Time. Who would have imagined that a couple of years ago?

Your favorite film watched this year? Probably Guardians of the Galaxy, for sheer, space-y fun.

Your favorite book read this year? Yeah, I've got, basically, a top-fifteen list of those. Forced at gunpoint to choose a personal favorite, I might go with Ann Leckie's Ancillary Justice.

Your favorite album or song to listen to this year?: Weird Al's Mandatory Fun.

Your favorite TV show of the year? Doctor Who, perpetually. Followed, at the moment, by OUaT.

Your best new fandom discovery of the year? I encountered a lot of fun stuff for the first time this year, but the top prize has to go to Welcome to Night Vale.

Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year? I don't know. Maybe that Doctor Who ep with the suspension-of-disbelief-snapping forest and the disturbing unintentional subtext about psychiatric drugs being bad.

Your fandom boyfriend of the year? The Eleventh Doctor. I know, I know, we have a new one now. And Capaldi is great, but I am apparently still not remotely over Matt Smith.

Your fandom girlfriend of the year? I'm not sure I've had one of those, but as far as awesome female characters go, I will give a big shout out to Emma and Regina from OUaT.

Your biggest squee moment of the year? I'm gonna have to name three of these:

First, there's Doctor Who:

Yes, the revelation of Missy's identity may have made me squee a little. Or a lot. Honestly, I don't know quite what it is about the Master. There are so many huge honkin' flaws and cliches about how that character has been written over the years, and yet, I'm always so darned excited to see that crazy lil' ball of evil anytime he (or she) shows up. And the canonical regenerative gender change was surprising and awesome.

And then there's Welcome to Night Vale:

I may have jumped up and down and screamed a little at "He is holding-- He is holding a cat." And not just because it's a great turning point in the narrative and a Crowning Moment of Awesome for Cecil, but because I was really, really worried about that stupid cat. Or whatever it is. I was afraid the writers had forgotten about him.

And, finally, Once Upon a Time:

In which my girl Belle finally wised up and kicked her no-good evil bastard husband to the curb. And then beyond the curb and all the way out of town. You go, girl! And I say that as someone who accounts said no-good evil bastard as her very favoritest character. He totally deserved it. And she totally deserves better. And I was deeply glad to see the problematic nature of that relationship recognized and dealt with, rather than continuing to be romanticized past the point where it just becomes icky. Well done, show.

The most missed of your old fandoms? Farscape. I've actually found myself missing Farscape quite a lot in the last couple of months. All kinds of things keep reminding me of it. God, I loved that show. Still do, but it's not much of an active fandom these days, and it's been a long time since I sat down and watched an episode.

The fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to? Oh, there are so many of those. So many. I'm planning on getting to Dexter soonish, for starters. (After I finish Mad Men and Avatar: The Last Airbender. My current DVD viewing is nothing if not varied.)


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