Some comments on Pt. 2 of the SJA ep:
Awww, Jo. Just... awww, Jo.
I was very pleased by the Doctor saying that he'd gone back and checked up on all his companions when he was dying, because that's damned well what should have happened. And I will admit, Sarah Jane's run-down of the good things various former companions were still doing on Earth made me a bit misty-eyed.
I do like the way this tied in with the whole memory theme of the last season of Who, but... Well, the warm, fannish nostalgia I felt about the whole thing kind of warred with the strong sense that RTD has really, really hit the whole "The Doctor is awesome and fan-like adoration of him can save the world!" theme too hard and too often. The warm fannish nostalgia, alas, did not entirely win. Which is a shame, because taken by itself, what he did with it in this episode was nice.
Small nitpick that nevertheless kind of bugs me: Hasn't the TARDIS key changed since Sarah Jane and Jo were companions?
So, Santiago: possible future companion material? Maybe it's a bit cheesy and fan-ficcy, but I think I may kind of like the idea of a former companion's grandkid traveling with the Doctor for a while sometime.
Oh, and ETA, because somehow I nearly forgot: "How many times can you change?"/"507." What, that's it? That's what the fannish controversy I've seen swirling around everywhere lately was based on? But that's nothing! That's a flippant bit of Doctorish bullshit if ever there was one! Even if it bothered me, it wouldn't bother me. And if it's RTD's idea of a joke, well... Actually, I have to admit, I do find it funny. Kind of like the "You watch too much television" line when all those rumors were going around about how it was going to be revealed that the Master was the Doctor's brother. Which I refuse to apologize for laughing at.