So in one appointment I got:

Aug 12, 2008 15:47

- pills shoved at me with no desire to actually look into the problem (that I double over in pain for a week a month when not on the pills. . . .and lately have been doubling over in pain on the damned things)

- had my birth control choices shat on because 1) I'm too young, 2) obviously just afraid that I'll become fat if I ever get pregnant and 3) I'll lose touch with my gender identification if I can't have a kid (because we all know that's all women can ever aspire to do, cha).

- gotten lectured about being overweight and then when I voiced my displeasure about yet again being told "you need to work on the weight" by asking her when the last time was she did a biathlon as mine was in the end of May with an open water swim and a 5K run hear "oh well I didn't think you'd be able to do that"


So apparently for my birth control choices to be valid I'll need to have multiple abortions and to have a more acceptable weight I need to go back to being anorexic as the average 1300 calories a day I'm eating are obviously too damned much.

Question is. . .do I take the new rx and and a) run like hell, b) run like hell yet write the doctor a letter stating how disappointed I am with the care or c) write the letter, go to my appt in 3 months and then demand a referral to someone who will give me a tubal?

(and yes I know this is public and that's on purpose as I'm tired of the second class treatment because I'm fat and because I choose not to have children. You know that if I had gone in there pregnant today they would have been bending over backwards to give me quality care.)


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