The fannish year in review

Dec 31, 2010 14:42

My fannish output this year was way below that of the past few years, I think in parts because I've just done so much fanart for SGA that, while I still have ideas, the itch has been scratched... that must make fanart now!! But mostly I've just been swamped with work until November, and by then I was just exhausted so I spent the last two months drawing very little, reading and reccing fic instead, and playing outside in the snow. (Skiing! I was lucky and found skis to buy two days ago. \o/)

Well, here's what I did draw (the preview pics link to the posts):

a visual prompt for the commentfic exchange at sgahcchallenges (btw, still up for grabs...)
February: nothin'
March: Following a post from
friendshipper I discovered Fullmetal Alchemist. Result: a Roy&Riza sketch

my entry for sticksandsnark

for Cliche Bingo: Roy/Riza, After the Battle

and a quick Roy Mustang color sketch... an attempt to paint fire using watercolors. (needs more practice.)

Dog Days: two FMA inks. Astrid tries manga style.

and a colored version of both.
July, August, September, October: The Project of Doom happened. Also, my vacation to Comic Con and gorgeous Zion National Park.

a colored version of my Teyla&Rodney sketch from January. At first I wanted to leave it as a sketch because I was happy with the way the movement was caught, and that gets easily lost when I ink my pencils. I'm glad I went back and colored it after all; think this is my favorite of this year's bunch (well, or my stickandsnark piece, can't decide). The colored ink I used did interesting things and the result suprised me. (No idea how I got that dusty effect, really.)

my contribution to fma_ladyfest: Mei, Al, and Xiao Mei in Xing

That's it. Not too bad, though I'd hoped I'd fill at least one of my prompts for hc_bingo... hhm. I still have a couple hours... ;)

Originally posted at Dreamwidth. Comments:

fma, fanart, sga, fannish_year_in_review

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