A while ago
alias_sqbr made a post
about fanart styles in manga/anime fandoms, which I found interesting. At the time I didn't know any anime or manga, but now I thought I'd give it a go; I was interested to see if and how my style would mesh with that of the manga. From my first impression, it doesn't feel all that different from doing fanart for a life action show. Hum.
This is just a sketch. I would say 'quick sketch' except it must've taken me an hour to fit that damn rifle in there. I'll probably ink and color it and add some background later, soon as I make more progress on my work project. (And just so you don't think I've jumped fandom: I also got an SGA fanart just waiting to be colored. (With pastel crayon :). Not jumping anywhere...)
Warning: clichés ahoi. Really, if something like this hasn't been drawn, like, a million times, I don't know fandom. But what can I say, I really felt like adding my own take on this motif. :)
vid rec: Seeing as how there's been something of a BtVS/AtS revival on my friends list, I got a vid rec:
Angel Trailer by Robert Flannigan. [Spoilers through the entire fifth season.]
Actually this used to be on my recs list but as almost all my vid recs, the link had become defunct; I just found another copy. This vid captures the vibe of season five perfectly. I'm still getting goosebumps around 1:30 when the music changes after Wesley's words.
fanart rec (SGA): eirenealetheia on DeviantArt made a gorgeous
Ronon/Jennifer wallpaper.
Originally posted at
Dreamwidth. Comments: