SGA recs, x-posted from stargateficrec/stargategenrec:
A Candle Against The Ocean by Ryuuza Kochou
Gen; Characters: Miko Kusanagi (main), Rodney McKay, Radek Zelenka, others; 4,500 words
Summary: Miko Kusanagi, despite several large pieces of evidence to the contrary, had been born in America; she wore the American flag patch on her shoulder, and not the staring red dot of her Japanese heritage.
Why this must be read: The author takes an underdeveloped minor character and gives her a backstory and a voice. This story feels very genuine and the Miko POV is fascinating.
All the Roads Return by
friendshipperGen; PG; Teyla Emmagan, Rodney McKay; 9,500 words
Summary: Rodney and Teyla are stranded and captured, with a valuable burden to carry.
Why rec'd? Teyla and Rodney get shanghaied and end up far away from Atlantis. A really enjoyable friendship fic with an interesting look into Pegasus culture. I love the Teyla POV!
more fic recs (FMA/hagaren):
Chessfic by
vikki (alternate link:
ffnGen; G; Ed&Roy; 2,055 words
summary: Ed and Roy play chess against each other, and lessons are learned.
Delightful character piece.
The Perils of Coffee by
solitude1056Gen; Rated G (but comes with frank sex ed talk); Chars: Ed, Hughes, Roy, Riza; 3,656 words
Summary: He decided, then, quite firmly, that he wasn’t ever going to drink coffee again, with anybody. It was too risky.
I rofl'd. A lot.
Originally posted at
Dreamwidth. Comments: