fic&vid recs, and a quicky fma fanart

May 27, 2010 00:55

sga_genficathon has started posting! And kicked off with an excellent Keller fic: Practicing Medicine by kristen999
gen; PG; Set Early S5; 6,000 words
Summary: Jennifer learns that accepting and upholding an oath, requires living it.
I like this story both for its thoughtful portrayal of Jennifer Keller and for the slice-of-life look at the work of Atlantis' medical department.

fma fic rec:
Tradition by raja815
gen; PG-13; humor; 1000 words
Team Mustang celebrate the Winter solstice the traditional way...
'Prominent among decorations include the traditional Solstice Candle, an ornately painted beeswax candle that is lit as the sun sets, and only extinguished when the next morning grows bright enough to see.'

The entire room filled with noxious purple smoke. Mustang, standing closest after lighting it, extinguished the flame with a douse from his glass of wine.
“That,” he gasped when he had breath enough, “was not a solstice candle.”
“I think it might’ve been a signal flare,” Fuery said, timidly.
“Oh, honestly…”
“Man, why are you guys dumping all over my solstice party?” Havoc grumbled. “I’m doing the best I can here…”

fma amv rec:
Nightlights - Royai
I like the mood of this vid.
I'm working on four different projects right now and I want to finish them all before I leave for Comic Con so when I realized last week that I had only eight weeks, I started flailing a bit. But I got a lot done this week, so I'm less with the flailing now. Just, I have a whole folder of stuff I want to link. Where to start... (and, argh, when to do my taxes which are due at the end of the month? *flails*)
Uh, also, I made FMA fanart (it just happened as I was sketching unicorns. I don't even know.) It's a little scene that stuck in my head when reading genarti's Firefight.

I may have gone a little overboard with the FX *scratches head*. I gotta pay more attention next time Roy does that thing of his.
my roomie found this site with driftwood horse sculptures.
via kristen999: Strange Buildings and Alien Landscapes

Originally posted at Dreamwidth. Comments:

ladies_in_fiction, fic_recs:jennifer_keller, vid_recs, fic_recs:fma, linkage, fanart, fma, fic_recs:sga

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