meta & fanart rec (FMA), fic rec (SGA)

May 23, 2010 21:12

FMA meta rec: rawles wrote a really great post on Roy & Riza, on subtext and canon. ( link)
FMA fanart rec:
TheOnlyWayIsDeath on DA made an Envy Motivational Poster that alternately cracks me up and makes me go Aww (and then slap myself for going Aww because, seriously, it's Envy!)
Spoilers for chapter 80 and up.
Driven by the desire to subsidize both Amazon and FedEx, I preordered Shounen Gangan. The shipping fee is outrageous but I just don't want to read the final chapter on a screen. (final chapter, waaah) I really dislike reading fiction on the computer. And it's a one time thing, so I figure I indulge. I just hope shipping really takes only a few days... once the chapter is out I'm not going online until I've read it.
a SGA fic I very much enjoyed:
Germination by
Jennifer/Rodney; kink: tentacles!; post-ep for 502 The Seed; words: 5600

It's interesting: the other day someone, I think friendshipper, said that her major story kink is to be surprised (or something like that) and that felt about right. It's why I prefer story warnings that are hidden behind spoiler tags.

I've noticed that after almost three years of reading in this fandom my plot kinks have largely been satisfied - I still enjoy reading them, but right now the kind of story that really hits the spot is one that goes somewhere unexpected, no matter how... by going wildly AU, or developing a minor character or pairing, or turning a common cliche inside out.*

And that's what this fic does, too: it takes some tropes and themes and does something different with them. It's sweet and funny, and her Jennifer voice is spot on. And, well, I can never get enough of well-written Jennifer/Rodney. :)

*That's also why propinquitine's fic Never Quite What You Expect was one of my favorite stories of the entire last year even though it's a pairing I generally feel I overdosed on.

Originally posted at Dreamwidth. Comments:

fma, fanart, ladies_in_fiction, meta, fic_recs:jennifer_keller, fic_recs:sga, recs

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