Jun 19, 2007 18:39
Well I noticed that my hard drive was getting very very low. I only could free up like maybe 5 GB of space on my MacBook. I tried deleting alot of stuff, but of course alot you just dont want to get rid of ; ) So today I invested in a 320GB hard drive! I was thinking, I'm wasting my summer working, so why not treat myself : ) So you guys will probably be seeing a lot more manga! Hopefully I got myself a good one. It's small & it was a very good price, so lets see if it works out!
Question: Has anyone had any experience with a Western Digital - My Book esstential hard drive? B/c that's what I got & it seems some have had trouble, but others love it. Ugh! i'm so confused! I'm asking b/c it started to mess up after I plugged it in & now its making me nervous. I've been looking for a good external hard drive thats not too expensive & some say use one brand, but others would be like no that one sucks use this one. It seems like there really isn't a good brand : ( I'm not looking to really back up my whole computer, I just want some extra storage! I've looked @ Lacie & Maxtor also, but I still see mixed reviews...
Speaking of MacBooks, if you have a white one as I do, you may have noticed that it starts to get pretty dirty. Well, an ITS guy at my school told me today to try a Mr. Clean Magic eraser & behold he was right! So if you're having the same problem, instead of paying for over priced cleaner just use this! My baby looks brand new!