Day 24...the insomnia continues

Aug 19, 2011 04:29

I'm beginning to feel like this catalogues my obscene sleep habits more than any bit of my writerly habits.

Anywho...on with the fun!

Day 24 - Betaing - How many betas do you like to use to make sure there
aren't any major flaws in your fic? Do you have a Beta horror story or
dream story?

I don't really do the whole beta thing. Not for lack of concern over the stupid ass mistakes I make or a desire to present better work. It primarily comes from the fact that people are generally unwilling to read my work (before posting). I have a couple fandoms that I have no one else I know that could beta for me. Mostly, though, I have fandoms where people could read for me but they are just too damn busy!

I don't really have any horror stories but I do like the times when I could sit there and watch people's reactions to my stories. I used to make ask my slaves subordinates at work read my stories for general grammar and punctuation or for story flow. Life Sentence was largely betad and a lot of my short stories were.

The best memory I have of it was when I got Daniel to read the Nutcracker retelling. The premise of the original story is that he can only be freed from his curse if a girl agrees to love him regardless of all else. So...I had one scene in there that was supposed to be seductive and racy purely so he can leave her wanting more.

I was roundly cursed at for having him read it while at work and not telling him before hand what I sort of reaction I was looking for. It was both hilarious and awesomely flattering/vindicating/lackofadverbing to see that first hand instead of just have to read the text from someone else and try and guess how sincere they were being.

I think I need to start looking for a proper beta for my Hellsing fics though. It would probably keep me to abetter schedule.
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