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starbird :R.E.D:
Closest red thing to you? The red leaves on my still living poinsetta. Yes, I know it's no longer Christmas....I should water it today. It's quite dry.
Last thing to make you angry? The bridesmaid dresses came in last week and the only thing right about them was the color.
Do you have a temper? I keep a can of whoop ass in my back's used when needed.
Are you a fan of romance? Yes...especially of the quirky sort. I LOVE flowers!
Closest orange thing to you? Charlie's squeeky hotdog toy.
Do you like to burn things? I have some pyro-tendencies.
Dress up for Halloween? If I get around to it. If so, it's usually something put together at the last minute. This year
studiodoctor and I have already been invited to a fabulous Halloween party and the 2006 theme is "Disney Characters". Hmmmm...wonder if there's anything I can dress up as and wear my wedding dress. Maybe Beauty from Beauty and the beast...Kyle made mention of the walking clock and teapot.
Are you usually a warm-hearted person? Most of the time. I'm a hardass, but if you don't give me a bunch of BS I'm quite compassionate.
Do you have anything against ginger hair? Huh?
Are you full of energy? Sometimes...especially when I'm spunked Charlie after he poops.
Closest yellow thing to you? A case of Wactfeiner bier. We kept the box 'cuz it makes for a good floor table in the livingroom.
The happiest time[s] of your life? Living by myself in college...then there's living with Kyle this last's a tough call. I'm a happy, independent kind of girl...but Kyle and I are better together than apart.
Favorite holiday? Christmas.
What makes you smile? Charlie. Kyle. Friends. Family. Extraordinary in the ordinary.
Are you a coward? Not really.
Do you burn or tan? I burn. Then I tan...though living at 5800' I've developed a more consistent (year-round) tan.
Closest green thing to you? Green leaves on my pointesetta plant.
Do you care about the environment? Sure. I'm not a fanatic though.
Are you jealous of anyone right now? Shameka's graduating. I'm slightly envious, but know my day is racing towards me as I'm very happy for her as well. :D
Are you a lucky person? I am. If you ask me, I'm the luckiest girl in the world.
Do you always want what you can't have? Nope. I used to, but what's the point? I can't imagine life being better.
Do you like being outdoors? Especially when it's beautiful out....which is 300 days of the year here.
Closest blue thing to you? The back of a CD case (and back of the CD)...and the trim on my screen. Kyle just redid my computer for me last night. So today I'm reinstalling programs.
Are you good at calming people down? Sometimes. I'm also good at riling them up.
Do you like the sea? I'm a pisces and love water.
Last thing to make you cry? Listening to songs I'm considering for the father-daughter dance at our wedding reception. I can't decide which one I want more...more to be posted about that later.
Are you a logical thinker? I have developed a nice blend of scientific method and true colors.
Can you sleep easily? Yes, unless I'm upset about something...or drank too much iced tea (then I can't sleep until I pee out a couple liters).
closest purple thing to you? I can't see them right now, but I have a baggie of wine charms that I made on the shelf by the door. I'm trying to sell them on ebay.
Like being treated to expensive things? Of course....but really it's the intent with which things are done. A romantic evening is wonderful just cooking a real meal at home...with candles around the house lit and a crop-dusting dog....and 917 music channel on the TV.
Do you like mysterious things? They intrigue me.
Ever met anyone in royalty? I don't know. Perhaps.
Are you creative? Everyone is creative in their own way. I have an ability to put things together visually. This is one reason Kyle and I are so great together....he has an ability to creatively put things together acoustically. We understand each other's creativity in that respect and love learning from each keeps life interesting and conversation lively.
Closest pink thing to you? A piece of paper with all the library hours on it, from when I checked out books for my Tibetan prayer tools.....soon to be posted.
Do you like sweet foods? ...and salty.
Like play-fighting? I have a tendency to be the devils advocate in long as the subject isn't too deep.
Are you sensitive? Definitely about certain issues.
Closest white thing to you? My shirt.
Would you say you're innocent? I'm a bad girl, who's a good influence.
Always try to keep the peace? No. I'm the one to bring the issues straight to the forefront so that they can be resolved. ...I guess in that respect I do keep the peace, but only after working for it. It's worth more that way.
How do you imagine your wedding? *LOL* Wonderful! Sunlit church, candlelit reception, vintage splendor and roses all over the place.
Do you like to play in the snow? It's much better in Colorado....since it's not so bitterly cold.
Are you afraid of going to the doctors or dentists? Nope. I know I need to go.... I can't wait to get my teeth cleaned. Does that make me weird?
Name the closest black thing to you? The McAfee 2006 software CD.
Ever enjoy hurting people?'s not exactly something I do to get my kicks.
Are you sophisticated or silly? Both!
Afraid of death? Not's the only thing that is inevitable about life.
Would you like to go to space? Hmmmm...only after I visit every single continent on earth.
Do you have a lot of secrets? Not really. I'm very straight-forward. My motto is: "Beat 'em to the punch." If you're always honest you don't have to worry about keeping your story straight or people calling you on your bullshit. If someone doesn't like what I have to say, then they shouldn't ask that question.
What is your favorite color? Green...and purple (since that's the color I gravitate to).
Does the color you wear affect your mood? Not that I know of. But I get a little sassy when I dress up to go clubbing.