Apparently, I have a type. This type seems to be men who are tall, dark, lanky, intelligent, and who have a smart mouth. I discovered this while Google image searching my latest craze, Benedict Cumberbatch. I came across this,
and realized that these two men are basically the same. I have somehow managed to make the men I find attractive almost interchangeable.
But it makes sense, and a lovely friend pointed out to me that I've had this type since at least middle school, if not longer.
Here are some examples of the men I've found attractive since then (in no particular order, and I'm sure I'm forgetting some):
-(Young) Micky Dolenz
-(Young) Harrison Ford
-Ewan McGregor
-Heath Ledger
-David Tennant
-and now Benedict Cumberbatch
Even the guys I had crushes on in middle school and high school fit into this profile, for the most part. There are of course outliers, both celebrity and not. Michael J. Fox, while dark, intelligent and smart mouthed, is anything but tall and lanky. Daniel Criag is blonde, even!
So yeah, I'm just having minor revelations about myself. It's interesting, if nothing else.
If you have not already, please find some way to procure a copy of the BBC series Sherlock. It is completely fantastic.