Jan 17, 2005 13:51
While listening to the news and getting ready to g oto work this morning, a local moring program aired commentary from John Q Public concerning Dr. Martim Luther King and this cay of commeration of his deeds. Not to be unexpected. What I found so interesting was teh comments made by one individual. The mas stated that he was very glad today was a recognized holiday because Dr. King "gave his life so that blacks would be given equal rights..."
Hang on a second. To have "given his life," would mean that he knowingly and purposfully allowed himself to be killed, or otherwise voluntarily died for that cause. I don't thik so. He wa, at the very least, assasinated, perhaps even martyred. But to say that he voluntarily gave his life simply isn't true. It is elevating this man, who I will say worked tirelessly for a good cause, to the level of "the black man's messiah."
Um, to the best of my knowledge, and I double checked this, there is only 1 messiah, and he walked this planet a looooooooooooooooooooooooooong time ago (you might remember him, we celebrate both his birth and death, December for the one and some time in April or May for the other.)
While I am the last person who would speak out against equality, Dr. King is simply NOT on the same level as Jesus. I personally find it a little disturbing that a news program, weather local or national, would not screen comments like that for content. The individual who lifted Dr. King to the level of diety, may, in and of himself, feel that way personally, but that is strictly a matter of personal opinion. I feel it was a little reckless of the news program to air that, or to air that not make comment that this was the view strictly of this one particular person, by way of acknoleging the man's feelins as that, his personal feelings.
But, I suppose, that at 6 AM, things like that get past people, or are let go since "not many people could be watching, especially on a holiday."