So, I watched the Season 3 Premiere. That means
Well, that was...lackluster.
First off, Katie Kassidy is in the credits, just like that. Great, now Jensen is bumped down to supporting cast because first fiddle in the chorus is STILL just the chorus and not the stage. For a co-lead status they could have given him a freaking "and" or put the girls under "also starring". HATE!!!
Secondly I was so-so with Dean himself. So he is detached and "whatever"-like. But what happened to his feelings toward Sam? I mean in the Finale it was all "don`t tell him, he can`t know". Now that Sam knows Dean doesn`t give a shit anymore? He knows how much that`s gonna hurt and he doesn`t care a lick about inflicting it on Sam?
Now if that is a defense mechanism, I would have liked some hidden looks, some little hints that there is more going on under the surface than Dean being a jerk. It`s a fine line making a lead character so unsympathetic.
I liked him being coldly focused on the job - when he was. The hedonistic moments already make me roll my eyes if they get played like that. Super-dorky dance of cringitude and gratuitious expositional burger eating of "I only got a year to live and I don`t CARE about anything." You might wanna repeat this point a few more times. I think some people in Timbuktu didn`t get it.
I felt sorry for Sam whose character emerged the most unscathed here.
Ruby? Pretty much a non-entity, though the knife effects and the knife-fu itself looked rather cheesy. Presumably she will be a demon or something sent as a bodyguard for Sam so he can fulfill his destiny? And half the demons don`t want him as their leader and half do? Btw, "boy king" - I do hope they don`t plan to make Sam some mythical super-special Chosen One. I thought we were done with this crap. I like the guys being humans caught in the crossfire.
Or at least then give Dean a freaking storyline of his own in which he isn`t just a tag-along in another man`s destiny.
The Seven Sins turned out pretty anticlimatic, except Pride who was pretty cool. But in retrospect that makes Bobby more chicken-little with the bru and ha.
Isaac and Tamara were not unsympathetic but they were pretty much just there.
So all in all, I didn`t feel it, the chemistry of the brothers or the characters or anything really.
Disappointing. :/