Warren we have a problem....

Nov 14, 2006 09:52

Snippets of conversations can be so funny sometimes, for example as I was leaving Belle Vue Greyhound Races on Saturday (Oh yes what a fun packed life I lead!!) and overheard a group of lads talking and caught the following snippet…

Lad one:           Warren thinks he’s got a STI.
Lad two:           Oh well, what’s the worst that can happen?

They were so blaze about the fact that Warren had a STI and really didn’t seem to think it was a big deal, the fact that Warren’s penis could turn green and drop off or worst still he could die a slow and painful death really hadn’t crossed their minds.

So even though this could turn into a bit of a problem for poor old Warren I did have a giggle about the absurdity of the conversation, location and general nonsense of it all. 
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