random Yuletide thoughts

Oct 18, 2015 17:12

This is not a letter, this is me rambling out random thoughts as I come up with my requests and offers! :P

...I kind of want to ask for Crimson Peak? But I can't actually go see it because that kind of movie clings to my brain in unpleasant ways, so I have literally no idea what happens other than Tom Hiddleston says words and there are tumblr gifsets with him prowling up the bed? So what I actually is want someone to write me a story where Tom Hiddleston's character and his sister are, idk, vampires or witches or immortal and they seduce the mortal psychic because she has the power to renew their line and turn her into one of them and it's all sexytimes in dark mysterious corners of the house and repressed passion bursting the bounds *waves hands vaguely and imagines story which may bear no resemblance to the actual*

Also WTAF how are the Fast & Furious movies a Yuletide fandom? Also they are listed directly under Fantastic Four and now I want an AU of Brian/Dom/Mia/Letty as a superhero team. You should all sign up for this to make me happy, I am just saying.

Every year I forget about Forever Knight until I get to signups and occasionally stumble over the fandom and then discover Lacroix isn't in the list of characters so I can't ask for Lacroix/Nick fic, but this year at last I remembered in time to nominate! :P

Bedlam's Bard -- I saw this on the list and instantly went back in time to my <3 for Eric and Beth and Korendil and their OT3, although I always wanted more Eric/Korendil and I wanted Beth to have more external power to match up to them instead of being powerful primarily in the relationship because they both loved her and because she was an emotionally competent adult? So maybe someone could make that happen for me!

The Prestige, why hasn't anyone written the exact Borden/Angier slash fic I want to read yet.

Damar! The possible problem with requesting Damar is the two Damar books are totally perfect for me as they are and what I REALLY want is a brand-new Damar story, which is quite a lot to ask! Unless Robin McKinley is signing up for Yuletide. But I would also enjoy seeing Aerin/Tor and more of Harry's adventures with Corlath, so maybe.

Black Jewels -- Daemon/Lucivar, which Bishop teases in like the first five pages of the book and then NEVER DELIVERS UPON omg. Frustration.

Repeat requests that might get in there:

D&D Cartoon (Eric, with a side of Venger) -- I have already gotten so much awesome fic for it in previous years! And yet I could get MORE...

Twin Peaks (Cooper/Audrey) -- ditto

Dracula: the Series, which is let's be frank a terrible show and there are good reasons why no one else ever requests this fandom, but Dracula/Alexander Lucard refuses to accept the level of his material, and I still want more of him! :P

Battle of the Planets -- I would love to get Jason or Mark/Jason fic but I have no ideas to offer beyond that, because if I did I would probably have written it.

Things I won't request because I can't:

Arthurian Legend -- argh, nobody nominated Lancelot! again! including me, sigh. So no Arthur/Lancelot/Guinevere for me.

Labyrinth -- I will not request Jareth/Sarah because Labyrinth is too big for Yuletide which I have to remember all over again every single year and then go check to make ABSOLUTELY SURE but it really is. wah.

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