Have some recs!

Sep 08, 2013 16:40

First, a journal rec: epic-recs, which is as it says on the tin, a multi-reccer journal that regularly posts really nice meaty recs of longer stories, in many fandoms including POI, HP, Bandom, Merlin, and loads more. (There's a DW mirror but it's a little bit behind, so I've linked to the LJ one.)

Then, here, have a truly fantastic Thor/Loki vid to a cover of Running Up That Hill by almostgaby on Tumblr.

And on a related note, if you care you have probably already seen the video of Tom Hiddleston doing Loki at San Diego Comic-Con, but this is a particularly great video of the whole thing, well worth watching. :D

I am going to try to post a story tonight for the 10 in 10 challenge, either a short or finishing off one of the giant pile of unfinished things in my WIPs folders, but wanted to get this up now!

You can also read this entry on Dreamwidth (

thor, recs

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