It was one of those bedtimes tonight, sigh, and then I did a little bit of coding work and now I have no brain left.
I am reading
latest post and nodding along about how much happier journaling makes me, and separately it also made me think about that story that was making the rounds on tumblr, of an art class where half the students were told they would be graded solely on the quality of their one best piece, and the other half were told they would be graded solely on the quantity of pieces they produced, and in the end all the best pieces came out of the half that were graded on quantity.
I don't know if it's a real story, but I found it entirely plausible -- which in turn makes me feel like suggesting a quantity challenge, like, write ten stories in ten days. Forget about making them good or long, just make a story and finish and post it.
So anyway, I toss that out as an informal challenge/meme! If you are doing the daily-posting challenge, you could make this be what you post, or do it once the you finish the 30 days of daily posting! :D
And it doesn't have to be 10 in 10, it could be 5 in 5, or 5 in 10, whatever, the point is just to make it a substantial quantity, and to shut off the inner editor and go JUST for quantity posted. You can figure out for yourself what that number would be for you, and how frequently.
Comment if you'll try it! And maybe tag them here/tumblr/AO3 with "10 In 10 Challenge"? :D I would love to follow along.
I have now set up an AO3 collection for the works --
Ten In Ten -- so please add works there if you're joining in! And btw, ANY fanworks are welcome -- stories, art, vids, podfic -- and again, feel free to set your own schedule/posting rate -- obviously making a vid every night for 10 nights would be pretty brutal!
Do also feel free to finish up old WIPs -- I feel this is totally in line with the spirit of the thing, the key is just get stuff OUT THE DOOR.
You can also
read this entry on Dreamwidth (