quick note on translations/podfic/remixes of my work

Jul 09, 2011 20:00

I have a blanket anything-goes policy in my profile about translations/podfic/remixes of any kind of my work, but I have just added a bit to that:

I WOULD especially love it if you post your work on the Archive of Our Own (http://ao3.org) and cite my original story as a related work there, because then I can easily link back to you from the original story.

If you make a translation/remix/etc of one of my things and don't have an AO3 account, I have invites, just PM me your email address for one, and if it's for one of my stories that isn't on the AO3 yet, let me know and I'll put it up so you can link it.

And I also wanted to mention, if you need an invite for this purpose yourself -- ie inviting someone who has remixed/translated/etc your work to post it to the archive so the related work can be linked up both ways easily -- don't be afraid to request some invites for the purpose from your archive homepage! The admins are always happy to give out invites for a good cause as long as the archive isn't melting down or anything.

You can also read this entry on Dreamwidth (


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