About Sandy

Jul 08, 2011 12:50

If any of you know the fabulous Sandy Herrold (
sherrold) of the Clucking Belles and Media Cannibals and haven't yet heard, her cancer has taken a turn for the worse and things don't look good at this point.

Please see
movies_michelle's update about her condition and if you want to chip in to a bouquet or send a note,
talking_sock is taking some to her this weekend.

Sandy's a huge supporter of Equal Rights Washington and donations in her honor there would also be amazing.

If you don't know Sandy, you seriously have missed out on one of the brightest lights of fandom. She is so incredibly full of joy and vim and fannish delight. You can see her and her vidding partner Rache wicked_words in this amazing interview (just an excerpt) done by the OTW's Francesca Coppa for TWC (Sandy is in the green shirt):


and you can download some of their vids here:


You can also read this entry on Dreamwidth (

vidding, flist paging

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