quick lj/dw note!

Mar 28, 2010 15:38

Since I am building up my dreamwidth reading list, I am taking people off my list on lj if you post primarily over there, to avoid duplicate entries on my reading lists -- since I pretty much never post stuff locked anyway & don't read via filters, it shouldn't make a difference, just FYI. :)

If you prefer to read on LJ, no worries, I will keep on xposting like I have been, and you are all welcome to comment wherever you want! ♥

FWIW, I have become v happy reading over on DW thanks to the quite spiffy Tranquility III theme, which is awesome! I would love it even more if there were a version with the user icons on the left, so if anyone knows of a variant for that, lmk!

Also if you are on Dreamwidth, you can set up the crossposting link the way I have it by going to the other site account settings page, and after you set up your LJ account there, in the "footer" spot just paste in:

You can also read this entry on Dreamwidth (%%comment_image%% comments)

The one thing I would still really like is a reverse link from a DW post to all crossposted locations, so I could read comments all over if it was something really interesting to me, or some other kind of comment aggregator tool, but perhaps that will come!

You can also read this entry on Dreamwidth (


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