Belated Ada Lovelace Day and OTW love! \o/

Mar 25, 2010 00:22

I have been distracted all over the place lately, but even though I am late I want to point you all at a roundup of the awesome Ada Lovelace Day posts from the OTW: Ada Lovelace Day master post at the OTW blog

The one that I must admit makes me personally most squeeful is
zooey_glass's AD&T post with super-pretty bar graphs and lots and lots of geeky details about the AO3 code. :D :D :D

Speaking of which -- if you guys are at all interested in following along with what the OTW does, and the exciting behind-the-scenes progress of the Archive of Our Own, and possibly getting pimping into volunteering :D :D :D, please join/watch otw_news (LJ)/
otw_news (DW)!

A few more journals to watch:

fanlore -- the Fanlore wiki has an active DW comm (LJ users can post with Open ID!) where people are busily discussing improvements and moving things along towards the wiki coming out of beta! \o/

elz -- Elz is one of our most awesome senior coders and she often posts about super-nifty things going on with the archive code <3

black_samvara -- Samvara chaired AD&T last year and is our project manager now, and also posts awesome info about the archive as well as heartbreakingly/codebreakingly brilliant meta stories. :D :D

And ALSO belatedly -- I have also failed at pimping out this year's annual drive, but it is never too late to donate to help us keep the servers running and adding even more services (and we have spiffy new stainless steel water bottle tchotkes this time around if you shell out extra)!

Also, the next installment of my charity origfic at chosen_wip will ACTUALLY be out soon, and new donations to the org of any size get you on the flock. :D


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