dreamwidth, finally!

Jun 24, 2009 14:29

So I have finally migrated my journal back catalogue over to my Dreamwidth journal from my LJ journal, and will be cross-posting from now on, so you can sub on dw/defriend on lj, if that's how you prefer to roll!

I AM going to be leaving comments on in both places, so no worries if you prefer to stick on LJ.

I'm thinking the way I'm going to manage the circle thing is, I'm giving access to anyone who gives me access/subscribes, which means I can then post stuff locked that I don't mind sharing with fandom but don't want out for the world at large, which is basically the security level I have been missing on LJ lo these many years. For now, since I'll be reading both places, I'm going to be subscribing only to those who are posting exclusively on DW.

Can I beg any on the flist who are now posting exclusively on Dreamwidth to drop a comment, if I haven't already subscribed? I know I have missed some of you!

flist paging, tech

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