saving HD off youtube

Jun 22, 2009 22:11

Hey guys, quick tip especially useful for vidders looking to use source only available on Youtube -- if you find a video on youtube that offers the HD option, you can save the HD quality stream with this handy bookmarklet:

ETA!!! I have updated the bookmarklet based on new code found somewhere on the internets. It now will automatically save the best version of the video available on YouTube -- ie, HD if it's there, otherwise HQ.

1. Copy this code:


2. Make a bookmark in your bookmarks toolbar folder (in Firefox; probably something similar in other browsers) and paste the code into the "location" option.

Right-click on Firefox bookmarks toolbar to create new bookmark:

Put in a name and paste in the code above for the location:

Go to an HD Youtube video and try it out:

And here is a convenient test case for you to try it on that is totally not Adam Lambert walking around in skintight glitter pants and gold bodypaint or anything.

In other news, Adam Lambert is on twitter now, but more importantly, so am I (well, I already had the pro one but now I have a fan one too) -- who else is out there? I am thinking maybe I will start tweeting bits of in-progress stories or something.

Okay, and now I am off to pound out some wordcount, before I get to continue work on my first cliche bingo story. \o/

american idol, adam lambert, tech, vidding tech

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